It was obvious to Charlie that Teresa was in a bad way. Not only did she have Jane tormenting her, but Valerie seemed to be going out of her way to tweak Teresa's nose, so to speak. And then there was their dinner guest, Bob, who was gently flirting with all of them. Charlie could handle it better now, and Valerie of course was running with it full blast like she always did, but Teresa looked like she wanted to cry. Something impinged on Charlie's awareness, and he glanced at Bob, who was smiling already and looking at Charlie, and talking about- "- swing dancing classes?" "Oh," Jane remarked in that I-have-a-new-torment sort of voice she used sometimes, "that sounds like a wonderful idea." "Swing dancing?" Valerie asked. "Like, forties big-band stuff and everything?" She sounded intrigued. When Bob nodded in confirmation, she literally bounced in her seat and clapped. "Oh WOW that'd be GREAT please Jane can we?" Teresa was looking pale, Charlie noticed. REALLY pale. As if everything that had happened up to this point wasn't bad enough, Julio had to watch as the little bitch lesbo tried to stick HIS pantied ass into a DANCING class, for God's sake. And SWING dancing, which was like slow dancing, and it would certainly have GUYS in it, and he'd have to SLOW dance with them.... Tucker looked over in time to see Teresa slide off her seat and thump on the floor. There was a general rush, and eventually Bob's head appeared over the edge of the table and pronounced her in a faint. Tucker looked over at Charlene, and asked, "Was it something I said?" Charlie couldn't restrain himself any longer, and smacked Valerie in the head. "Duh!" he hissed. "Leave her alone!" "Fuck YOU," Valerie whispered back before Jane's head appeared along with the rest of her from where she had been tending to Teresa. They both shut up, but kept glaring at each other for the rest of dinner. After Jane had led Bob to the parlor and dismissed the 'girls' for the evening, he sighed and relaxed into his chair. "So?" Jane sighed, and swirled her brandy around the snifter. "Well, Teresa is working out like a charm." "I could tell," Bob grinned. "Though she's still a little rough around the edges." Jane shrugged, still staring at the liquid going around and around in her glass. "She'll get better in time. She's really doing rather well at this." "And, your problem case?" Jane sighed, and shook her head slowly. "I did," she finally said, "determine the best way to control her." There was a long pause, until Bob finally had to prompt, "And?" Jane looked up at him, and smiled a tired little smile. "Strangely enough, the same things that worked on me when I was roughly her age." "What?" Jane shrugged. "Grounding, revoking of privileges. Keeping her from her friends and those activities she enjoys." Bob's brow furrowed. "I know," Jane went on, forestalling his next question, "the same things that any parent of a teenager does. Nothing else seems to work." Charlene was helping Julio to get ready for bed, and he was trying to explain his embarrassing reaction at dinner. "I mean, what if they figured it out? I, they'd KILL me!" Charlene smiled at him in the mirror, and paused with a curler in one hand. "You don't have to worry about it. Jane said you weren't going, remember?" "But I didn't know that at first-" "I can't imagine why..." Bob trailed off as the seeming impossibility of Valerie's behaviour overwhelmed his mind. Jane shrugged. "Neither can I. Sooooo..." She sipped at her drink. "So I have no real choice but to go with what works. I hope it will explain itself later on, but I really can't complain about her following my program. She's doing quite well in that regard." Bob's head was still shaking. Charlie had put Teresa to bed, and gotten ready for bed herself, but she hadn't seen Valerie since they had all left Jane and Bob in the parlor. She wasn't in her room either. Charlie wondered for a second if she had taken off, and mostly managed to dismiss the possibility from his mind. *She wouldn't do that for something this small,* he told himself, several times as he looked through the house for her. Finally, a movement outside caught his attention, and after staring out the window for several seconds, he could just make out the silhouette of her head, sitting outside in the porch swing. Tucker was seriously enjoying the quiet and solitude when, naturally, the door opened and someone came out. He thought about pretending that he didn't notice, but that plan went out the window when Charlene walked directly in front of him. "What are you doing?" she asked in an accusing tone. Just the sort of thing he wasn't in the mood for right now. "Nothing, Char," he sighed. "Just looking at the stars, listening to the wind..." After a long moment of silence, she replied, "Oh," in an entirely different tone of voice. Tucker tuned her out after a few more moments, and sat there listening to things that were miles away. "Can I sit down?" she asked quietly, still managing to shatter the sense Tucker was trying to create. "Sure," he sighed, and made room for her on the swing. She sat down, her clothes rustling loudly in the quiet darkness, but she finally settled down and all was quiet. Charlie had enjoyed sitting outside with Valerie, in the calm quiet of rural night, but now his bladder was complaining, and he couldn't ignore it any more. Besides, it had been a looooooong time. "Valerie?" he whispered. "Mmmm?" she whispered back. "I think it's time to go inside...." he mentioned. Valerie didn't reply, but a minute later, he felt the swing shift underneath him, and she slowly stood up. She stretched a little, and then said to Charlie, "Let's go to bed, I guess." She held out a hand to help him up, but she didn't let go as they walked inside and up to his room. Charlie could feel the warmth of her arm against his, and it made him feel like he should do something, but he didn't know what. Jane knocked on Charlene's door when she hadn't woken up for breakfast. As she halfway expected, Valerie was in bed next to her other student. She sighed. Julio was timorously eating breakfast, wondering if he should eat enough to fill him up or if he should hold back in case he had to do something else upsetting today. He'd found that being full wasn't a good idea when Jane decided to do something 'new' on him. "Charlene, Valerie," Jane said after finishing a slice of melon, "since you seem so enthusiastic about taking swing dancing lessons..." Julio was looking at Charlene when Jane said that, and she looked anything but enthusiastic about it. Jane continued, "...then we will need to get you some appropriate clothes." The two girls looked at each other. Finally, Charlene dared to speak up. "Um, where would we go, Jane?" "The Style Shop," she replied with just the ghost of a smile on her lips. Valerie started, "Isn't that where-" but apparently Charlene's groan answered her question. "Oh, no," Valerie moaned, shaking her head. "Oh yes," Jane openly smirked. "And I will be going with you today, Valerie, to prevent a repeat of your performance last time. On the other hand, if you two behave like proper young ladies, then perhaps we can go shopping for clothes elsewhere afterwards." *What performance?* Julio wondered. *Oh, boy, what a reward,* Charlie sighed to himself silently. *If we put up with shopping for girl's clothes, we get to go shopping for more girl's clothes.* What was hitting him was more the irony of the situation than anything else. Then again, watching Jane fight Valerie on clothing issues might be interesting... Julio's heart lept into his throat, and he was glad he hadn't eaten more. "Uh?" he squeaked, and everyone turned to look at him. "Yes?" Jane finally asked him. "Uh-h-h," he forced out, but that was the best he could do. Charlene came to his rescue, and said, "I think Teresa is saying she doesn't feel comfortable about going shopping with us today, Jane." "I should say not," Valerie commented, and shot Julio a sneer. "Valerie," Jane warned, and then answered Charlene's statement. "Teresa will be staying here today, and practicing under Marie until we get back." Julio didn't know whether to be relieved or depressed. Charlie desperately wanted to know what Valerie was planning. She hadn't argued at all about going to Miss Franson's dress shop; she'd just dressed nicer than usual and she'd been extremely quiet the entire way into town. Charlie kept sneaking looks at her, and it looked almost as though she was asleep, with her eyes closed, but she was sitting straight upright in the back seat, so she couldn't be sleeping... When they pulled into a parking spot and stopped the car, Valerie got out and started walking towards the shop without even waiting for the two of them. "Valerie," Jane warned, but she didn't even slow down. Charlie would have sworn, too, that somehow she had grown taller, during the car trip, even though he knew that was impossible. He and Jane had to hustle to keep up with her. Jane knew something unpleasant was going to happen in the shop, but she was almost paralyzed by a feeling of inevitability about the entire situation. And, she didn't want to admit it to herself, but a sliver of her wanted to see what Valerie was going to do. Valerie opened the door to the dress shop herself, and Charlene caught it in time to let the two of them in. Valerie was standing in the middle of the entryway, looking stiff and formal in a way that Jane had never seen her stand before. When a salesgirl approached and started to say something, Valerie focused on her and interrupted, "I need to speak with Miss Franson immediately, please. Tell her that Valerie is here." She said it with an impeccable upper-class British accent, also, which raised Jane's eyebrows. "Um," the salesgirl said, looking baffled, then retreated behind a subservient, "Yes ma'am, right away ma'am," and she scurried off towards the rear of the shop. Valerie waited almost exactly one and a half heartbeats, and then followed the girl. Jane shrugged mentally, and beckoned Charlene to come along as she walked after Valerie herself. Betty Franson was speaking to one of the summer residents when the salesgirl approached her and whispered in her ear. She said something to the woman she had been talking to, and turned around just in time to come face-to-face with the freshly-imperious Valerie. Without waiting, Valerie spoke, "Miss Franson, my associate," which sobriquet caused Jane no little amusement, "has had pleasant dealings with you in the past, and she has convinced me to attempt to deal with you one more time. If you find that you can keep a civil manner about you, then I suppose I am willing to patronize your shop. At her insistence. However, I do not wish to go through the... unpleasantness, I witnessed during my last visit. Is that understood?" Jane wondered, as Betty gaped, why Valerie hadn't shown such command of manners before this. Charlie was having so much fun watching Valerie that the usual routine of trying on half a hundred dresses hardly bothered him. Jane was being unusually quiet for a change, and Valerie had stolen center stage from all of them. She was polite enough to the girl, Beth, that was helping them, but towards Miss Franson she was icily correct, somehow managing to convey a sense of contemptuous superiority without actually doing anything which he could point to as being rude. Even when she suggested things for Charlie himself to try on, it was so much a part of the act to discombobulate Miss Franson that Charlie did it just to see what Valerie was going to do next. At one point, in the showing room which was only semi-private, Valerie complained bitterly about the lines of one dress and wriggled it off right there where anyone could see her standing in her underwear. She glared at Miss Franson for the several seconds it took her to take the offending garment away and for Beth to bring a different one. Jane was shaking her head solemnly, but didn't say anything at all. Tucker managed to hold on to his trance state long enough to supervise the transfer of some ungodly amount of clothing out to the Lincoln, and get rid of the salespeople, before he lost it and almost blacked out. "Shhhhhhit," he breathed as he slid down the outside of the door to rest on the concrete. He noticed his hands were shaking as he held his head, trying to press on the headache that had developed. "Valerie?" Jane asked, but it was Charlene who touched his shoulder. He looked up, and the two of them had concerned looks on their faces, as best as he could tell in the blinding glare. "I," he breathed, "I didn't think it would take that much out of me. To keep it up that long." "Keep what up?" Charlene asked him. "The mask. Acting like that...." God, his head and neck hurt. *Every time,* Jane mused as she watched the two of them eat, *every time I think I have her figured out, she shows me a completely new facet of herself that I never would have suspected.* Valerie had almost completely stopped shaking, but she was still pressed firmly against Charlene as if for warmth or comfort. Charlene speared a mushroom and held it to Valerie's lips, and she ate it and smiled wanly at Charlene before putting her head on Charlene's shoulder. When she finally swallowed the mushroom, she moved slightly upright, but it was Charlene who actually pushed her into a sitting position again. Jane held her sigh in. *I really, really, do not wish to have to talk to the two of them about their relationship, but I believe I am going to have to, and most likely this evening. This is getting a little too intimate.* She filed the thought as something to do later, and turned back to her chicken-and-pasta dish that smelled so delicious. Tucker was seriously wondering about taking a nap when Jane commented, "And now, what do we do about the rest of the afternoon?" "Hmmm?" was his comment, but Charlene grinned. "How about," she said, "we go do some of that other shopping you mentioned?" Jane sighed, and patted her lips with her napkin. "I can see that, but I need to get back to Teresa. Marie can only keep her 'entertained' for so long." *Ugh!* Tucker thought before he remembered who she was talking about. "Maybe you could, um," Charlene trailed off. After a moment, Jane grinned. "Let you have the Visa again?" Tucker stuck a fingernail into his leg so he wouldn't break out into a grin at the idea. "Since one of you proved so facile with forging my signature," she speared Tucker with a glance that let him know in no uncertain terms just who she thought was responsible for THAT, "I can understand why that appeals to you. However, I feel as though I need to keep the two of you in line somehow, or I don't believe that one car will suffice to carry everything you two will purchase." "Who, us?" Tucker managed to contribute. Jane's look that time was enough to shut him up for a while. "Which is why," Jane continued, "I am going to call Marie to come out and watch the two of you during your shopping, while I return to the house with Teresa." After a few seconds, Charlene asked, "WITH Teresa?" As they pulled into the parking lot, Marie mentioned, "If you can't manage to look interested, try looking bored. You'll stand out less." Julio was grateful for any suggestion that would keep people from looking at him. She drove all the way to the front door, and Julio tried to slide down in the seat a little more, but the seat belt held him too tightly for him to go more than a few extra inches. Marie told him to stay where he was, *Like I'm going to get OUT?* and got out of the car, leaving the engine running. He was concentrating so hard on the dashboard of the car and on trying not to attract attention that when someone tapped on his window, he almost screamed as he jumped sideways. It was Valerie and Charlene, again, and Valerie was saying something to the other girl with a grin on her face, something he just knew had to do with making fun of him. Charlene motioned for him to roll down the window, and he did, wondering all the while if they were going to expose him right here in front of everyone in the restaurant. "Jane's taking you back home," Charlene said, smiling at him, "and we're gonna be shopping for a while. So relax, okay?" "Yeah," Valerie added, "I mean it'd sort of be nice to take you with us," she said, the tone of her voice saying it would be anything but nice, "but you still have to pass your lessons first." Charlene put in, "Keep studying and maybe you can come with us, one of these days." Her smile at him almost made him wish he was going with her now. He already knew that Jane wouldn't be as easy on him as Marie had been. As if his thought had summoned her, Jane slid into the driver's seat and shut the door. When he looked over at him, she smiled back, giving him a chill that went up and down his back three times before he shook it out. "Bye, Tereeeesa," Valerie drawled, and laughed as the car pulled away. "You're a sadist," Charlene told Tucker as they followed Marie back into the main concourse of the mall. Tucker shrugged. "I guess. But I'd rather have HER," he emphasized the pronoun, "than HIM, any day. No question." "Would anyone like some ice cream?" Marie hinted. Tucker thought it was a good idea, even if he was mostly full already. Charlie felt like a beached whale as he sat on the bench, staring at the last bit of ice cream cone in his hand. "Are you two just gonna sit there forever?" Valerie complained, and he thought about kicking her, but it would have required moving, and that was too much effort at the moment. Marie felt the cotton gauze dress shift gently around her, and was possessed with a sudden desire to fall on the ground and writhe within its embrace. "See?" Valerie commented with a knowing smile. "Told you it was a sensual experience." Charlene, also in a gauze dress, just sighed and grinned in agreement, and wriggled for several seconds before starting to giggle. They finally ended up with FOUR bags of clothing from the Cotton Spott, which Tucker thought just might be enough for a while. *Darn, I wish I could get Debbie up here. She'd love this place. Especially with Jane's Visa.* Money might not be able to buy happiness, but it could sure open up a lot of pleasant doorways. "I think," Marie said, "that we should place these in the car before we do any more shopping." Tucker had no problems with that; his arms were already tired. Marie had privately considered it foolish to allow the two of them out shopping on their own, without any 'help' in the form of Jane's usual circle of assistants, but as the day wore on, she began to realize that her fears were groundless. The two of them laughed and chattered like any other pair of teenage girls out shopping - although few of the girls in the mall were buying quite so much - and the only people that gave any of them second looks were other teenagers. And Marie recognized the competitive appraisals from both girls and boys for what they were. In fact, it had been a long time since she had so much fun with an outing. Usually, she was stuck at home doing the housework, instead of taking Jane's students out, but these two had the sort of enthusiasm that Marie had only seen a couple of times in Jane's students. They kept challenging each other, making sarcastic or demeaning comments to each other about their choices, but it seemed to be working, and Marie watched as the two of them picked up items that even she considered a bit daring, and acted like wearing them would be a pleasurable experience. "I see some clothing and I want it painted black," Tucker sang softly to himself as he looked over the sable lace creations he'd found at this little gothic clothing place. "No colors anywhere, I want them to turn black..." "Jeez," Charlene commented, "this looks like the prop department for a vampire movie or something." Which was sort of what Tucker had had in mind. They had leather, too, and Tucker was sure that a) he could sneak at least one miniskirt home with him when he left Jane's, and b) that Debbie would look fabulous wearing one. "A pedicure?" Charlie asked. Valerie shrugged, which looked sort of odd considering how enthusiastic she was. "Sure! See, they also offer a foot massage. And mine hurt, thankyouverymuch. And it's only twenty dollars...." She looked at Marie hopefully. "It's been a long time since I had a pedicure," Marie said musingly, and Charlie knew that he was going to have someone playing with his feet. Tucker couldn't keep the smirk off his face as he watched the girl carefully shape his toenails. Charlene's moans of pleasure from the next cell sounded almost obscene. He was seriously looking forward to his own massage. If they could make Charlene make sounds like THAT.... Julio groaned as he lost the book on his head, and Jane sighed from behind him. "EARRINGS!" Valerie shrieked as she sped up towards the jewelry store in front of them. "Oh, dear," Marie sighed softly. She wasn't quite sure how much Jane usually spent in one day, but this was going to be close to it, she knew. If not severely over it. "Look!" Valerie commanded, and Marie did without being able to stop herself. She was holding a pair of lapis-and-silver creations that looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL... Marie drifted a little faster towards the display table in front of the shop without noticing. "Oh, my... God...." Tucker breathed as he stared at the full-kit maid's outfit in the costume shop window. "What?" Marie asked in amazement. "Debbie.... she would look fanTASTic in that," Tucker said absently, still lost in his imagination. After a few seconds, Charlene asked, "And you expect to get her to wear it?" Tucker sighed as he came crashing back to reality. "There's no way on earth I could get her to actually wear the thing. Jeez, if I wasn't careful, she'd make ME wear it for even suggesting it." That made Charlene and Marie laugh, but Tucker still wished there was some way.... Julio was more than relieved when the girls came home and he was drafted to carry bags of clothing inside the house. Not only was Jane's 'program' a torment in and of itself, but it strained his body in ways it wasn't used to, and that _hurt_. It almost felt good to be lifting bags and carrying them up the stairs. The first two trips, anyway. "How much did you two get?" he huffed to Charlene as he carried the third set of bags through the hallway. She shrugged. "Lots. We spent all day..." She trailed off as she slogged up the stairs with her load. When Marie presented the handful of charge slips to Jane, she was impressed. "They bought ALL of this?" Jane confirmed. When Marie didn't answer immediately, Jane looked up at her. She was slightly red in the face. "Well," Marie explained, "you know, I need to exercise more, to keep in shape, and Valerie has been giving me lessons on her skates?" Jane sighed. Tucker looked at the bags of clothing, sitting around the room, and then at the closet. "That stuff is gonna have to go," he said to himself, looking at the overly-young fashions already hanging up. Charlie was trying to figure out what to do with the stupendous amount of clothes that he had accumulated in what he was beginning to think of as an attack of insanity when someone tapped on his door. "Come in," he called, turning to see which of his fellow students it was. Valerie slipped into the room and sighed. "I think we're gonna have to put some of this stuff up in the attic later," she announced. "Or wherever they keep stuff. And I am too tired to do it now, what about you?" "I'm not doing it," was Charlie's instant protest. Valerie rolled her eyes. "Wasn't asking you to," she said gently. "I was thinking more like a nap?" A nap sounded to Charlie like an excellent idea. Jane sent Julio to find the two girls, and he had looked all over downstairs, even peeking out the front door to see if they were skating or something. No luck. He sighed as he carefully mounted the stairs, being careful to walk as Jane had taught him. He had already found out that she was around far too often when he forgot. He tapped on Charlene's door, and heard faint snoring instead of a reply. He gently opened the door, and instead of Charlene in the bed, they were BOTH sleeping, wrapped around each other like his stepfather and his girlfriend. He shut the door in confusion, and wondered what to tell Jane. Tucker shot a questioning look at Charlene as they sat down in front of Jane's desk. Charlene shrugged in reply. Apparently she didn't have any idea either. "What I wanted to speak about with you two," Jane started as she seated herself behind the desk, "is the relationship you two are developing with each other." "Huh?" Tuck had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. "I've noticed," she added a subtle emphasis on the last word, "that the both of you have become unusually close over the past two weeks." Tucker looked at Charlene, to see if she knew what Jane was talking about. Judging by the expression on her face, she had no more clue about it than Tucker did. Charlie's breath stopped when Jane got explicit and actually told the two of them what she was talking about. *Dating?!* his mind raced, *But she- I-* "WHAT?!" Valerie shrieked, voicing what Charlie couldn't. "Are you NUTS? DO you know what Debbie would DO to me if I pulled something like that?" Charlie stared at her. *She's worried about her GIRLFRIEND?* Jane sighed as the two teens left her office, and leaned back in her chair. The signs had been there, in profusion, but there was no mistaking the shock that both of them had expressed over the idea. As she was deliberately stretching the tension out of her neck, an errant thought current delivered, *I wonder if Valerie is doing all this simply to drive me insane.* A further thought added that it was probably in revenge for all the torments she had served to hundred of boys over the years. "Don't be ridiculous," she told herself sternly as she got up. "It was simply time, statistically speaking, that I find someone who confounds most of my usual tactics." And Valerie was definitely the one. She deliberately sighed again, and went to change for dinner. Marie had made a pasta dish, instead of one of her more usual belly-stuffing concoctions. Tucker was about to ask her why when she explained, "You two are going to a dancing class tonight, remember?" *Wha- oh. Yeah.* He'd forgotten all about it. "So Jane and I thought that it would be a good idea if you two did not eat so heavy tonight, and perhaps had a snack after the class if you are still hungry." That made sense to him, he decided. But when had she had time to cook? *Oh, God,* Charlie thought wearily, *I forgot all about that. Damnit! And all I want to do is laze around some and go to bed.* He sighed. Apparently, Jane had taken Valerie's comments seriously... As if summoned, Jane appeared through the doorway, dressed for dinner. "You realize," she announced to both Charlie and Valerie, "that you two will need to change again before you go to the swing dancing class tonight." *Oh, no, not again!* Charlie moaned mentally. *I'm TIRED of changing clothes!* Jane shot him a sharp look, and he wondered if he'd said it out loud. "Come on, Char, it won't be so bad," Tucker mentioned. "Just eat light, and we should get out in a couple of hours." *Wonder if I can get her as a dancing partner,* he thought. With any luck, there'd be a lot more girls than boys in the class, and they would pair together as the latest arrivals. *Not like I'm interested in her or anything,* he reminded himself. *I'd just rather dance with her than anyone else. That's in town,* he sighed, thinking of Debbie. *At least I should be able to teach her a few things, next time I see her.* The idea cheered him. He knew what a little private dancing lesson with Debbie would lead to... Charlene sighed as she saw what Jane had in mind for the two of them to wear to the dancing class. *I should have been more suspicious when we went to Franson's,* he decided. The dress was gorgeous, but had too much hint of petticoating to allow him to be truly comfortable in it. And, sure enough, when he glanced next to it, there were two or three pettis on the bed too. "At least I got some flats today to wear," he sighed. "No way am I going dancing in heels too." Tucker looked around the dance floor and bit his lip. He had thought that swing dancing would be a neat thing to do with Debbie; he hadn't considered who ELSE would be in the class. Everyone, apparently. There was at least one couple in their sixties, and a whole lot of successful twenty- and thirty-somethings talking it up with each other. Tucker flushed as he realized what sort of company he would be in, and how he was dressed compared to the rest. *This is the last damn time I listen to Jane when she tells me to wear something,* he fumed, transferring his embarrassment to anger at the older woman. Charlie was feeling a little out of place when the teacher came up to them and started telling them about the class. She complimented the two of them on their clothes, and Valerie groaned quietly. Charlie wasn't sure if the teacher had heard it or not, so she slammed an elbow into Valerie's ribs just to make sure she'd stay quiet. The teacher led the two of them through some of the crowd, who were giving the both of them admiring glances. Charlie felt kind of embarrassed; it was one thing to have a teenage girl tell him he looked good, it was another thing completely to have older, married women smiling at him the same way. When the teacher finally stopped, it was to introduce them to their dance partners. Charlie had managed to put that part of things out of his mind so far, but his worries all came rushing back when he saw the two teenage males in front of them. Then he sighed with relief; one of them was Doug, the nervous one from the party. *At least he won't be a problem,* he thought, until the teacher told VALERIE to partner with him. Which left HIM with... "Brad," said the taller, dark-haired teen in a well-fitting suit. He smiled, and stuck out his hand. Charlie automatically replied, "Charlene," and curtsied for him, and started to curse himself for the automatic, anachronistic gesture, when Brad took his hand and lifted it to his lips... *No WAY!* his mind gasped, but he did indeed kiss Charlie's hand before letting go. Tucker was kind of amused to be partnered with Doug. *It figures,* he grinned to himself when no one was looking. *I could probably handle Brad without any problems, so I get stuck with the easy one, and Charlene has to handle Brad.* At least he didn't seem like the kind of guy that would 'take liberties' with Charlene, and in the middle of a dance class would have been an incredibly stupid place to do it anyway. So she was safe. So, in Tucker's mind, all he had to worry about was learning how to dance with, or around, someone who was almost totally inept. He winced as Doug once again tried to mash one of his toes into pulp. "Sorry," he whispered, as he always did. Tucker just smiled faintly, and tried not to limp. Charlie was more than relieved when the teacher declared a break, and Valerie came over and whisked them to the bathroom. Until he found out how incredibly crowded it was. "So how's Brad working out?" Valerie asked as she re-powdered her nose in the mirror. "He, I, I mean, it..." Words failed him. Valerie gave him a look in the mirror, and he flushed. She leaned over and spoke in a low tone. "Look, you don't need to worry about him. Not him, and not here. He wouldn't dare try anything in the middle of class, and Jane's waiting to take us home, so we don't have to worry. Alright? So just relax and have fun tonight." Charlie stared at the girl as she went back to her primping. It was obvious she had absolutely no clue. Tucker was about to exit the bathroom when an older woman stopped him. "Um," she said, "did you know your seams are twisted?" *What?* "I mean, on your stockings," she added after a few moments. *Oh.* "Are they?" Tucker replied, twisting around to try and look. It was impossible, of course. "I can't tell..." "I could adjust them, if you wanted," she offered, and Tucker nodded gratefully. Maladjusted seams was just the sort of thing that Jane would yell at him for. As the woman reached under his skirt, he remembered adjusting other girls' seams, and sighed, wishing he was back home instead of stuck in this strange place... "There you go," the woman said, standing up again. "They look so good on you, and so period..." "Oh, thanks," seemed called for, so he said it. "It just seemed, you know, swing dancing..." They both nodded at each other. Tucker realized that only a year ago, the idea of having an older woman, probably married, fondling his legs, would have seemed a whole lot less probable than the idea of him having sex. But, here he was... His life had gotten strange since he met Debbie. "Am I bothering you?" Brad asked, and it took a moment for Charlie to realized what he was saying. Before he could think up an appropriate way to say it, though, Brad was noddding. "Look, it's just dancing," he commented. "I'm not gonna drag you off and molest you or anything." He sounded tired when he said it. Charlie stared at him, and realized that he was being overly paranoid again. *Like everyone said, he's not gonna try anything in the middle of a dance class, and we're leaving right after, and he seems like a nice guy anyway.* So he put a smile on his face, and nodded, and replied, "I know, it's just hard to remember sometimes." After a few too many tries at a spin, all Tucker wanted to do was stand still for a minute and let his inner ear settle down. "No," he told Doug as he grabbed Tucker's hand for another try. "I'm getting dizzy," he explained as Doug's face fell. *God, he is SO damned sensitive,* Tucker thought to himself. "I just need to stand here for a minute, okay?" He squeezed his hand and smiled brightly at Doug, who nodded enthusiastically, like he'd just gotten a reprieve or something. *What a dweeb!* Guys were just too easy to manipulate, especially when they were practically begging for it like Doug was. They'd been talking while they were dancing, and Charlie felt a lot more relaxed than he'd been when he came in. *Brad's cool,* he decided during a noisy part in which they couldn't talk. *I guess I don't need to worry at all.* Jane put her book up as the class began to disperse. After a few minutes, her two charges showed themselves, chatting with their dance partners as they gently picked their way towards Jane's seat. "So," Jane heard Valerie say, "We'll see you Tuesday, right?" Both young men nodded, and she turned around to face Jane. "Ready to go?" she asked. Jane noted that she was flushed, as if from exercise, and smiling a lot. "Of course," she said, and rose from her seat. She wondered which one of the girls would remember their manners first, and not surprisingly, it was Charlene who made the introductions. The one who had apparently been Valerie's partner mumbled something which sounded vaguely appropriate, but Charlene's partner, a well-dressed young man named Brad, caught Jane's hand in his and bowed over it as he kissed her knuckles. *Oho!* Jane thought with amusement, *this one's a charmer. I wonder how Charlene handled him?* "So I take it tonight was a success?" Jane asked as they turned onto the road which eventually led to Jane's estate. Tucker looked at Charlene, begging with his eyes, *Please, please Charlene, don't chicken out now...* Charlene glanced at him, and them smiled as she replied, "Yes, it was!" She sounded sort of amazed, like she was surprised by that. "Told you," Tucker couldn't resist saying. "I love dancing," he commented. Jane was rather happy to get home, with the prospect of a nice hot bath looming first and foremost in her mind, but Marie pulled her aside. "Someone called you earlier, while you were gone..." she began. Tucker sighed deeply as he slipped into some of the silk lingerie that he'd bought. It had reminded him so much of what Debbie had bought him for his birthday that he just had to have it. And even though she'd had nothing to do with the purchase of this set, it still made him feel closer to her as he slid the top over his head and settled the straps in the right places. "God, I wish she was here," he sighed to himself as he opened the door to his room. Charlene was nice to sleep with, but nothing could ever substitute for Debbie. When Jane walked into the dining room for breakfast, the first thing that caught her attention was the vaguely scandalized look on Teresa's face. Her attention turned immediately to Valerie. The girl was wearing nothing more than an overly large, plaid shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. While it covered her past her hips, it just barely did so. "Valerie," Jane sighed, "I do not find that suitable-" Valerie pulled the shirt open, showing a royal blue silk chemise and tap pants underneath the flannel. "Those long nightgowns just get too hot," she explained as she wrapped herself again in the shirt. Jane was going to reply, but Charlene snorted in amusement, and before Jane could redirect her attention, Marie came out with a platter, and the moment was lost. And, Jane had to admit to herself, it WAS quite feminine looking... As Tucker wiped the last of the honey from his lips, Jane mentioned casually, "For today, I think we will stay home and practice, Teresa. You two," she said, turning her attention to Tucker and Charlene, "may amuse yourselves for the day, though I want to see you practicing your piano, Valerie. You have been notably lax lately." Tucker shrugged. He'd noticed that himself, although in his mind it had been the last couple of days' activities, rather than any idea of his, that had kept him from practicing. "'Kay, Jane," he replied. Julio hated the feminine exercises with a passion, especially when Jane had roped Charlene into helping her torment him. Charlene was nice enough, giving him little smiles and other signs of encouragement, but it was still painful for him to be doing this while the girl watched and even corrected his 'unfeminine' behaviours. As if that wasn't bad enough, the maddening sounds of someone mangling a piano tune wafted through the house as Valerie practiced. Valerie had volunteered to help with lunch, which had confused Marie until the girl had admitted that her fingers and back hurt from sitting at the piano for three hours. "Perhaps we could do some skating after lunch, if you and Charlene will help me clean up?" Marie offered. Valerie enthusiastically said yes, which made Marie smile. Having the two of them like this made Marie's chores SO much easier. Charlie shook his head. "No way!" "Come on," Valerie pleaded. "Look, I'll do it backwards the whole way, and you can do it frontwards. Please?" Charlie sighed. Why the girl had her heart set on a race was beyond him. Marie came back inside, all flushed and carrying her skates, and Julio sighed. It was just so unfair! The girls got to go out and have fun, and he was stuck in here- "Teresa," Jane warned, and he flushed as he remembered what he was SUPPOSED to be doing. "Sorry, ma'am," he apologized, and dipped a little. "Would you like milk or lemon?" "It's a bad idea," Charlene warned. "It is NOT!" Tucker protested as he unlatched the other skate. "Look, we just get a temporary ramp, and then take it down when we are done, right? No problem. And we do it out of the way, so people in cars don't have any problem either." "Jane is gonna be really annoyed," Charlie pointed out. "We'll put everything back! She'll never know!" Tucker was getting a little exasperated with the blonde. *You'd think that if she was sent here for something, that she'd be a little less lawful about life. Jeez. What I wouldn't give for a teeny dab of chaos right now, to stick under her nose,* he sighed. *I'm not even sure the girl knows how to do something illegal.* Charlie still thought it was a bad idea, and even more so when Valerie went right up to Tom, the groundskeeper, and asked him for supplies. But he told her where to find them, and even helped her pick out a suitable piece of plywood and carry it back to the driveway. Charlie sighed. He just KNEW he was gonna end up taking the blame for this, at least partly, and it wasn't even his idea. Kenneth grinned to himself as he turned down the road that led to Jane's mansion. "It's been a long time," he said to himself as he adjusted his speed. Staying with Ruth was illuminating, but it was Jane who had really done the work in saving him from that bitch. And, he missed her. Ruth was no dullard, but Jane's sharp, biting wit excited him in a way that he missed after a couple of years. "As long as I come in as a guest, not a student," he qualified the thought. Not surprisingly, thinking of his time at Jane's also reminded him of Darryl. "Wonder what he's up to these days? 'Ll have to call him. Maybe Jane would like to talk to him too, and we could do a conference call or something." Staying at college over the summer was not something HE would have wanted to do, that was for certain. And there was the driveway he was looking for... Tucker spun around and accelerated towards the ramp. *I can do it,* he told himself as his palms grew wet under the pads. He'd been getting better, but 'better' was not necessarily what anyone would call 'good' at this point. Especially when he hadn't even managed one clean landing yet. A little bump at the end of the plywood, a slackening of speed, and then he was airborne. "Yes!" he shrieked as he pulled his legs up underneath him, then dropped them in time to absorb the shock of landing. He wobbled a bit, but stayed on his feet instead of spewing all over the driveway this time. "WAAAAAAA-" *CAR!* his brain shrieked as a moving vehicle moved into his field of vision. A moment of calculation was all he had time for, but it was enough to convince him that he'd better go over the hood, rather than sliding under the wheels in a deliberate spill. He gathered his legs and jumped, and pushed off the edge of the front fender with the wrist pads.... there was a moment of whirling confusion, and then he thudded into the hood, still moving, and slid off the other side. Laying flat on the ground, with a new set of bruises that were going to hurt for days, he couldn't help grinning manically. "I am AWESOME!" Charlie was already running over to the other side of the car, or skating rather, when he heard Valerie's triumphant shriek. He slowed down for half a second, then sped back up. *I bet the twit wouldn't even know if she was hurt, damnit!* Kenneth bailed out of the car and was by the girl's side in an instant. She was already pushing herself off the ground, and the grin shining from her face told him that she wasn't seriously hurt. "Sorry about your car," she panted as she rolled over and looked at him, "I didn't see you come-" "VALERIE!" another girl shrieked as she bounced off the bumper of Kenneth's car and slid to a stop. "Are you okay?!" "I'mfineI'mfine, Shar. I jumped over everything," the dark-haired girl explained as she started to get up. Kenneth stood and offered her a hand, which she took and pulled herself upright. He was beginning to wonder if he had the wrong house, or if Jane had moved without telling him. Tucker looked at the guy who had almost run over him, and sighed. *Nice big brute,* he thought. Though there was a gimmer of intelligence behind those eyes. *And what's he doing here anyway?* "Oh, sorry," Tucker said, realizing what would probably happen to him if he didn't be 'mannerly' to anyone showing up at Jane's. "I'm Valerie, and this is Charlene," he said, smiling, and offered the guy his hand. He was well-dressed, though in Tucker's experience that was a less than positive sign. "Kenneth," replied the guy, and he shook Valerie's hand. He looked a little confused. "So what brings you here to the middle of our skating park on a Friday afternoon, Kenneth?" Tucker asked, smiling at him. "Ahhh," he started, looking at the house for a moment before turning his attention back to Tucker. "I was looking for a Jane Thompson, who used to live here..." Tucker furrowed his eyebrows, and said, "Who?" Kenneth looked confused, and was about to say something else, or ask something, or something, when Charlene smacked Tucker in the head, which would have hurt because she used the plate of her wrist pad, except he was wearing his helmet. "Stop fuh, fooling around!" she corrected herself. Turning to Kenneth, she said, "Yes, this is the residence of Jane Thompson." "Would you stop kissing his ass already?" Tucker complained, and realized what had come out of his mouth in time to dodge Charlene's retaliatory blow. "You suck, brownnoser!" he taunted her, and she shrieked and launched after him. "Kissass suckup!" he threw over his shoulder as he accelerated away. Kenneth watched as the blonde chased after the little Goth-looking girl. It was obvious which one was better on skates, though the blonde made up for it with sheer aggressive energy. Eventually, Valerie led the other one back towards Kenneth and his car. He tensed a bit as she got closer, but all she did this time was yell as she swooshed by, "SO, are you staying for dinner or what?" She whipped around the front of his car, reversing direction as she did so that she was skating backwards, and made a derogatory gesture towards the blonde girl as she did. The blonde girl was catching up, and Valerie swayed back and forth, trying to fake her out. It was obvious to Kenneth that she had to break one way or another, but Valerie slid down into a hockey-like stop on the concrete, and the blonde went zooming past her before she could help herself. Before the blonde recovered, Valerie got back up and was coming towards him again. "Come on in, I'll announce you," she shouted as she whizzed past, and scrambled up the steps, something he would have thought impossible if he hadn't seen it, caught the door just in time, and zoomed into the house. "Jane!" he could hear dimly, "There's a guy named Kenneth here to see you!" When nobody had pounded on his door by the time his breathing slowed down, Tucker figured it would be a good idea if he took a shower and dressed for dinner at this point. It was sort of obvious that skating time was over, anyway. "Man, that jump though!" he commented to himself as he peeled the spandex off his sticky body. "That was SO awesome!" "She is a complete monster," Jane sighed as she relaxed backwards into the cushions. Kenneth took his own tea and sat next to her on the couch. "How so?" Jane shook her head, but she was smiling faintly. "I would swear she's done this before, I really would. And, not like you mentioned either." The images of what Kenneth's 'mother' had done to him over the years made him flush slightly, but he reminded himself that he was beyond that, now and forever. "She's just, just..." Words failed her, so she sipped at her tea. Kenneth waited for what seemed a long time for further comment from Jane, which was not forthcoming. "Just what?" he finally prompted. "Is she that disobedient?" Jane snorted. "Oh, my, yes, but not in the way that you're thinking. Dresses, makeup, hairstyling..." She waved it all off. "She hates it, but does it without much protest. And then, I turn my back on her, and she's doing something like that skating. Never ever quite out of character, but certainly nowhere near what I had in mind for her." "What about taking her out?" Kenneth asked. "Ohhhhhh," Jane breathed, and then leaned forward, turning towards him with a glint in her eye. "Let me tell you what she did the first time we went out. She'd been taking it too well, too easy, so I thought a nice, 'soothing' trip to Marisha Chalet would do her good..." Tucker stepped out of the shower, and went to look in the closet, or among the other bits he hadn't been able to find room to hang up, for something that would appease Jane, because if Ken was talking with her downstairs, he was certain that Jane would be pissed at him. "Wonder why everyone gets so upset when I fall down or whatever," he mused as he dug through a pile of clothing. "You'd think I was made out of glass or whatever." Though he was beginning to get sick and tired of bruises covering his body, now that he thought about it. *Best not to think about it,* he decided, and concentrated on what to wear for dinner. "...and she walks back to the cubicles, as calm as you please," Jane narrated, "and says something to Sandy, and when she turned around, Valerie swept the cap off her head, and of course Sandy instantly recognized the hair coloring. So Sandy decided that she had better capture Valerie before she disappears again, and not surprisingly, Valerie was prepared for exactly that, and sprinted towards the door..." She sipped at her tea, which was almost empty. Kenneth poured more for her without even thinking about it, he was so wrapped up in her tale. "So the two of them go pounding through the waiting room, with Valerie's new friends cheering her on, and Valerie makes it through the front door ahead of Sandy, and does something to cause Sandy to overshoot-" "I think I saw that on the driveway," Kenneth snickered. Jane arched an eyebrow at him, but continued, "In any case, Valerie's next move was to turn right around and come back in, pressing against the door so Sandy can't come back in. And that's how _I_ found her, sitting on the floor with her back to the door, and Sandy pushing from outside..." Charlie went in to see how Teresa was doing, and found her huddled up on the bed, barely dressed, and gasping for air. "Teresa?" he asked, puzzled and a little alarmed. The boy-girl looked up at him, and Charlie could see the tears in her eyes. "I, I can't, I CAN'T go out there tonight!" she gasped. "Not, not AGAIN!" Crisis time again. Charlie repressed a sigh and walked over to the bed to comfort the panicked teen. "She's the kind of woman who knows the street, and even under pressure she's smooth and sweet. No complications, just attitude. Believe in what she got since she won't get used. That girl, ooh, that kind of girl..." Those lines always made Tucker think of Debbie, and sort of choked him up. God, he missed her. God, she missed him, Debbie realized as she smiled absently at the employee she was currently paying. The world had lost some of its sparkle when Tucker left, somehow. It was so weird - she would have said she'd NEVER feel that way about a guy, but there it was. And there he wasn't. She sighed. "You are an obsession," Tucker sang as he danced down the staircase. "you're my obsession. Who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me? You are an obsession you're my obsession. Who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me?" It was too bad Teresa was freaking out, but Tucker figured that's how most guys would react. *Not like me,* he thought smugly. *Superior mental powers, that's it.* *And a half-lesbian girlfriend who thinks you're hot dressed like this,* his irritating superego told him. "What EVER," he sneered back at that part of his mind, and twirled on the last step, skirt flaring, and jumped off. Jane had filled Kenneth in on what the other two students were going through, so he wasn't too surprised to see the latest one, Teresa, show up with reddened eyes and a very nervous manner. Charlene, the 'oldest', was as poised and graceful as he expected any long-time resident of Jane's manor to be. As Jane had warned him, Valerie was the odd one. She acted not at all like he would have expected. In fact, she acted more like one of the real girls at the high school he'd attended than one of Jane's students, even though she had dressed up nicely for dinner, in accordance with Jane's standing orders for dinner guests. She was animated and lively, and not above flirting with him occasionally. Kenneth could see why Jane would see this one as a problem. Especially since she could, and did, tease Charlene into acting more like a normal teenage girl too. Jane, he realized, would hate that. Charlie still felt nervous around guys, especially ones that looked at him a lot, and Kenneth was looking at him a lot. Valerie, naturally, picked up on it, and she was alternately trying to divert Kenneth's attention, and then throwing it back on Charlie with some comment or something. He kicked her a few times, but it barely slowed her down tonight. Valerie had surprised all of them by excusing herself at the same time Teresa did. Jane had thought that the girl would stay up and continue her game of flirting with Kenneth and embarrassing Charlene. Naturally, she was suspicious, but when she sent Charlene to check up on her, both times the girl came back and said that Valerie was breathing like she was asleep. Tucker shuddered as he reached under his pillow and shut off the clock alarm. He'd been caught someplace unpleasant, and he was going to catch hell for it too... He shook his head to try and clear out the remnants of the dream, and went to go fetch his laptop from its hiding place. It was time for him to talk to Debbie, he'd decided. really? i would think you wearing clothes would drive you nuts Deb: really! Mike: shut up tuck: heey did i tell you what i did to the car Mike: no... your car? tuck: no. remember that guy that ran into julia's car and refused to admit it or pay for it? who are you dancing with Mike: this is not a secure channel Deb: depends on who's there, I guess. I danced with this married woman for the first class. Her husband wasn't there. i'll email the details ? stay away from them married ones, tuck. thjey get wierd. Debbie: not a big deal. She thought I was 'cute'. Copyright 1997-1999 Ellen Hayes, all rights reserved