Kenneth read for a while, as he mulled over what Valerie was doing, and what he was going to do in response. Finally, he decided that the best thing to do was match her move, and see what she did. He slipped his shoes off, and tried to stick them under Valerie's legs, but there was too much bone in the way. She proved silently agreeable to the idea, though, and they ended up with their feet under the other one's buttocks. *Hmmm,* Kenneth thought, a bit sourly, *now what?* Charlie was staring out the window, wondering gloomily why it had picked today to rain, when Teresa came up behind him. He could see her reflection in the glass. "What?" he asked, when she didn't say anything for a minute. "Just, I mean..." She paused, and Charlie returned his attention to watching the water droplets smash into the pool. "Could we go up to your room for a while?" she asked. "Why?" he asked as he turned around to look at her. "I, I wanted to ask you some stuff, privately," she replied, unconsciously lowering her voice as she looked around for observers. Charlie had to work not to roll his eyes at her, but he figured if she thought it was that important, that he'd better talk to her. Tucker was getting a little cramped, so he pulled his feet from under Kenneth. When Kenneth looked up, he just smiled silently in explanation, and stood up momentarily before settling back down on the couch, next to Kenneth this time. Tucker made a production of arranging his skirt and legs before returning to his book. It seemed to take a while before Kenneth did likewise. Tucker had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. "I have no IDEA what she's doing with him," Charlene complained. Julio asked, "Do you think she's got a crush on him or something?" "Oh don't be..." Charlene started scornfully, but trailed off. After a few seconds of thinking, she said, in a much calmer voice, "I don't know. I don't THINK so... she said she was playing a game with him, but she might have been lying." "What kind of game?" It might have something to do with his original question. Jane passed by the library door entirely before the scene she thought she'd seen, out of the corner of her eye, registered on the rest of her brain. She went back to look, and it was as she had sensed. Valerie and Kenneth were sitting together on the couch, ostensibly reading, but within inches of each other. They both looked up as she came back. Kenneth winked as she was about to comment on the two of them, and she reconsidered. *He's still playing that game with her, and if it wasn't her, I'd break it up immediately. But, with Valerie being on the other end, I don't think I have to worry about her being psychologically damaged by anything Kenneth will do.* Which brought up the possibility that Kenneth might be scarred by whatever Valerie did to him.... Dismissing this train of thought for the moment, she asked, "Have you seen Teresa or Charlene since lunch?" "No, Jane." "No ma'am," the two teens answered. Valerie added, "Have you tried their rooms yet?" "No, I haven't. Thank you," Jane replied, grateful for the exit that Valerie had provided. It took Jane halfway up the stairs, the irony that one of her students was now providing HER with graceful ways out of uncomfortable situations. She had to sit down and laugh into her hands for a while before she could stand back up and climb the rest of the stairs. A knock on the door silenced Teresa instantly. Charlie looked at her, then called out, "Come in?" Jane opened the door, and smiled when she saw the two of them. "Oh, good, I'd been looking for you." Charlie stifled a sigh. "I was thinking, some baking would go well on a day like today." Charlie looked over at Teresa, who looked as though she wasn't sure if she should be horrified or relieved. "Oh, that sounds GREAT, Jane!" Charlie gushed, and turned her body towards Teresa. "I know this GREAT recipie for chocolate death cookies-" "Chocolate death?" Teresa questioned. "More chocolate than cookie," he explained. "Wanna help?" he asked, and winked at her where Jane couldn't see. It took her half a second, but she got the hint. "Sure!" she said like she meant it, and turned back to Jane. "Could I, please?" *She's getting the hang of things,* Charlie thought warmly. Tucker shifted a few critical inches, until he was pushed against Kenneth. Besides, he WAS a bit cold. "Hmmm?" Kenneth said as he registered the weight shift. "Do you mind?" Tucker asked, sounding as sweet and young as he could manage. "I, I'm a little cold, is all." "Oh, not at all," he replied, and moved an arm around Tucker's shoulder. "Is that better?" "Uh huh," Tucker replied as he wiggled deeper into Kenneth's embrace. The sad thing was, it WAS warmer against him. Tucker hadn't quite realized how cold he was in this dress until he'd pressed against Kenneth. *Gotta remember this, the next time I stay at Deb's.* Kenneth read for a while longer, until he dimly realized that it was time for him to respond. And he was thirsty. The glass of tea on the table next to him provided him with his next action. As he raised it to his lips, Valerie asked, "Oh, could I have a sip?" He finished his swallow, then wordlessly handed her the glass. She raised it with both hands and drank delicately out of it, leaving only a couple of drops on her lips. And not, as Kenneth had feared, draining the glass entirely. As she handed the glass back to him, he took the opportunity to caress her hands. She smiled shyly as she dropped her eyes, but she didn't yank her hands away. Kenneth took the glass back and set it on the coaster, wondering *Now what?* He realized he'd hesitated too long when Valerie grabbed his left hand and pulled it closer to her. "Is that your class ring?" she asked, holding his hand in both of hers. "Yeah. I don't know why I wear it; it seems to be out of fashion to advertise you graduated from high school nowadays," he added. "I'd be happy to get INTO high school," she said, and then looked at him. "Did you ever do that thing, where you let your girlfriend wear it?" That hurt, a bit. "I did, before we broke up and she gave it back." "I'm sorry," Valerie replied, and it sounded sincere. "Yeah, me too. I guess it just wasn't working out, so we split up before it got nasty." Which was a good thing, he realized, but he still wished he and Liz could have worked things out- "You look so sad," she observed, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked at her, and her eyes were dark with concern and her brow slightly furrowed as she gazed at him. "Is," she started huskily, and let out one breath and drew in another before continuing, "Is there anything I could do for you, to make you feel better?" "Oh?" Kenneth asked, wondering what she was thinking of. "Did you have anything in mind?" *Deb's gonna kill me if she finds out about this,* Tucker thought as he reached up to Kenneth's face and kissed him on the lips. "'Lo?" "Mike?" *Naw, this is the NSA surveillance team,* Mike thought. "Yeah, w-" "This is Debbie, hi, listen, I wanted to ask you something...." For some reason, the hair went up on the back of his neck. Kenneth was half expecting her to kiss him, so he rolled into her and put his other arm around her waist. As he sort of expected, she didn't fight; instead, she pressed up against him and moaned softly in her throat, a sound which made his spine tingle. They kissed for a long time, and finally broke for breath. Valerie was breathing harder than usual, but she smiled at Kenneth and rubbed against his arm. Kenneth removed his hand from her waist and caressed her shoulder gently. "How do you manage to keep your skin so soft?" he asked quietly, marveling at the satin texture. She looked down, smiling, and Kenneth thought he could see traces of a blush on her face and neck as she softly replied, "I guess it's a girl thing." Without looking up again, she moved a hand and ran a fingertip along his neck. Kenneth's eyes closed in sensual appreciation. "Well," Charlene commented quietly as they crept away from the library towards the kitchen, "at least they're not kissing again." Julio wasn't sure if that was as good as Charlene made it sound. He'd seduced a few girls himself, and he knew that if they were touching you like that, you had it made. Jane kept glancing outside as the rain fell. It seemed a melancholy sort of rain today, and she hoped it wasn't going to be there tomorrow. She had plans... "Oh, damn," she uttered without hearing herself. "Valerie has choir practice tomorrow." That would throw things off... On the other hand, with the apparent bad blood between her and Sandy, perhaps it was best if she didn't come in, at least not at the same time. *Who worked on her last time... Lori? Perhaps I should set up a separate appointment with her. Normally, I wouldn't, but that child is one of the best I've ever seen. I don't think I have anything to worry about, at least as far as exposure goes. At this point, she has quite a bit to lose here. I think that will keep us safe.* A rumble of thunder shook the windows, and she sighed, leaning back in her chair. It was just that kind of day. Tucker was sitting there, sucking face and wondering just how he got into these kinds of messes, when Kenneth shifted both of them a little bit, which would have been fine except for the sharp spike of pain that lanced through Tucker's foot a moment later. "Gghhhh!" he exhaled into Kenneth's mouth as he jerked forward, and he felt his teeth smack into something, none of which mattered nearly as much as the knife blade he was sure was pinning his foot to the floor, except it moved when he jerked it- Eyes watering, he looked over the edge of the couch and saw the tome Kenneth had been reading, lying innocently on the floor - and a white-fading-to-pained-red spot on his foot that would, he knew, match perfectly to the corner of the hardbound cover. "Christ!" he complained as he pulled his foot up into his lap to pet it and reassure it, "Haven't you ever heard of _light_ reading?" "You were thinking what?!" Charlie couldn't believe his ears. Teresa glared at him. "Shut UP!" she hissed. "Someone might hear!" Charlie wanted to roll his eyes at her. Nobody was coming in... But he lowered his voice anyway. "So WHAT were you thinking?" Teresa sighed, and looked away from him. "I was just, I mean, I... I DON'T LIKE it here," she emphasized, as if it had some kind of real meaning. Charlie didn't like it here either, but he had about as little choice as- "So I was thinking, that maybe he could get me out of here," Teresa continued. "Kenneth?" Charlie confirmed. "You think he'd kidnap you?" "It's not kidnapping if that's what _I_ want to do!" Teresa disputed. Charlie retorted, "It is if you take off without Jane's permission, it is. Isn't she, I mean, wasn't she appointed your guardian or something like that?" "Yeah, something like that. So?" Charlie sighed. "So, she's got the same legal position as a parent of yours, and since you are WELL under eighteen, then what she says counts. And I don't think she would agree to you just deciding to take off with Kenneth. Furthermore," he emphasized, "Kenneth would have to be an idiot to take you with him! If he moves across state lines, then he could get busted for kidnapping! That's FEDERAL." "But-" Teresa tried desperately. "Look," Charlie explained, a little calmer. "He came here, for whatever reason, to visit Jane. Not you or me or Valerie. Right?" Without waiting for an answer, he continued, "Plus, he thinks you're a girl. So the only reason he'd take you with him is if he was interested in you-" "But, I mean, he HAS to know! Doesn't he?" She sounded much less certain about it. Charlie shrugged. He would have assumed that Jane would have told him, but the way he was kissing on Valerie... "No, he doesn't. So if you ask to go running off with him, then he's gonna think you have the hots for him or something, and the only way he would agree to it...." He left the rest for Teresa to figure out. Eventually, she did, judging by the way her shoulders slumped. "So I'm stuck here?" "You're stuck here," Charlie confirmed. "Unless you want to take your chances with a lust-crazed college guy who's willing to commit federal crimes to take you with him. That is not," he pointed out, "what I would call a good situation." Teresa stared at the floor for a while, then threw an apple with a vile curse in Spanish. He didn't know what it was, but he could tell it was nasty. "You said it," he agreed, to be sociable. "So, could you get, um, butter, and the milk?" "Sorry about your lip," Valerie apologized as he smeared some ointment on the place where she'd attempted to bite it off. It had bled, a lot, but he thought that he'd kept the blood off the carpets and upholstery. "Nur," he commented offhandedly. "Good Lord," Jane commented as she gazed at the bottom of the Visa bill and discovered just how much Valerie had been costing her. She was accustomed to paying thousands of dollars per student, but this was a bit excessive, even to her. "And Kenneth took her out, AGAIN, yesterday. Oh my Lord..." "Okay, so... are we done?" Julio hadn't quite realized how much effort was involved in actually making cookies. Now he knew why the older women in his life had had such strong arms. HIS arms ached from the mixing, and he'd only done half of it. Charlene sighed, and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. It made him feel better, to see that she was as tired out as he was. "Almost. Now, we find about a million baking sheets, and put the cookies on them." She scooped a fingerful of dough from the bowl into her mouth. "'N tess ev'r'thin," she mumbled, grinning. Julio imitated her, and found it to be entirely to his liking. "Mmmmm!" he commented as he reached for some more. "Naht!" Charlene reprimanded him as she slapped his hand. "Just one more, and then we start dropping it on the sheets." They had both gone back to the library, but by mutual consent, they were sitting on opposite ends of the couch this time. Kenneth glanced at Valerie, who was seemingly absorbed in _Double Star_, and wondered, *She couldn't have done that deliberately. Could she?* Julio reached for a cookie, but realized a little too late why Charlene had insisted he wait. "Owmmmph!" he complained as he stuck his burned fingers in his mouth. "I told you," Charlene gloated. "Now, go run cold water on 'em to take the sting out." Without waiting for him, she led him over to the sink and pulled his hand down to the stream of cold water. "Yowch!" he heard from behind him, and when he looked over his shoulder, Kenneth had HIS fingers in his mouth. Julio looked back at Charlene, and they both started to snicker. *Must be the drugs,* Tucker decided as he looked at his face in the vanity mirror. *Besides, I think I really got Kenneth bothered.* *Blood does that to some people,* the annoying part of his mind mentioned. Sarcastically, too. "Shut up," he told himself. "It was an accident!" Jane had gone with the flow, and declared that instead of the usual afternoon tea, that they would have milk and cookies. Naturally, everyone approved, especially with the smell filling the house and making everyone's stomach grumble anxiously. However, the bloody mark on Kenneth's lip worried her, even though she knew that he could handle himself. The wink he gave her told her as much, but she still worried about it. And Valerie was limping slightly. *What did those two DO?* "Kenneth?" Jane mentioned as he got up to leave. "May I speak with you a moment?" Despite the polite words, he knew it was an iron command. Repressing the twinge of fear he felt, he answered calmly, "Yes, of course, Jane." "You're in trouble," Charlie stated with confidence when they had all made it out of the parlor. He KNEW that tone of Jane's. "Oh, fuck off, Shar," was Valerie's over-the-shoulder comment. "What has gotten into you?" he insisted. "You and him were practically having sex right there-" Valerie turned around and pinned Charlie up against the wall. "Charlene," she stated. "Shut. Up." Charlie was going to push back, when he noticed the flush spreading down from the girl's cheeks, where it was covered by makeup, all the way down to her shoulders, where it wasn't. *Mmm hmm,* he thought. *Got that in one.* Which raised about a billion questions MORE- "Would you two stop?" Teresa asked from behind Valerie, and Valerie moved in surprise to look at her, giving Charlie the chance to move away from the wall. "What's the big deal anyway?" Charlie was trying to think of how to explain this, but Valerie got in first with an explosive, "Nothing! Charlene's just jealous that he's more interested in me than her." "WHAT?!" Julio watched the two girls bicker for a while, before finally walking off in disgust. *Women, I swear. I will NEVER understand them.* As he passed by a mirror in the main hallway, he checked his makeup to make sure it would pass Jane's scrutiny, if she appeared suddenly like she had a habit of doing. "HOW can you POSSIBLY think-" "Look, Shar," Tucker said in a low voice, "how about we continue this in our rooms? Or someplace other than the main hallway? Hmm?" She huffed, but started upstairs, glancing behind her a few times to make sure he was following her. They had gone into her room, and he had no sooner shut the door that she was all over him again. "What the HELL are you talking about, me being jealous?!" "Well, I mean, if that's not it, what IS your deal?" She was waaay too upset over this to be simply concerned for his welfare. He crossed his arms as he watched her splutter her way to an answer. "He- you- it- but-" She sighed, then tried again. "I mean, he's a GUY!" "I'd noticed that," Tucker smirked. She stared at him, her mouth open. "But," she finally managed, "but you're KISSING him! And he's, and you're-" "It's all part of the game, Charlene," he explained patiently. "I'm not really interested in him, okay? But, it works for appearances, and isn't this bullshit," he fluttered his skirt at her to emphasize what he was talking about, "all about appearances?" "I'm just worried about you," Jane explained patiently. "Valerie... has a skill, of getting people into situations that-" "I know, Jane," Kenneth sighed at her. "And I'm not going to let it get that far. For EITHER of us," he emphasized. "Well, it looks as though that is exactly what you are NOT doing." She stood up and sighed. "Kenneth, I just don't want either of you two to get hurt in this, this game you two are playing with each other." "We won't, I promise," he said patiently from behind her. She wished she could believe him, but she knew from her own experiences that sometimes the moment could simply overwhelm one's self-control and sense, while the regrets would last a lifetime. And he already had a cut lip. "I just, I mean, if he's taking dance classes," Debbie explained, "who's he dancing with?" Kathy sighed, and looked up at the ceiling for inspiration. Off white, she noted, was not especially inspirational. "Deb. It's a dance class, right? Not a dance CLUB," she emphasized, "where people just mix and mingle. It's a formal class, with partners and count-off-by-twos and all that. And it's not like they're gonna have time to DO anything there, not in the middle of class!" "But what if, I mean, some women like young fresh stupid guys!" Debbie exclaimed. "And Tucker would be just the thing for some menopausal bitch to dominate him and control him! And he wouldn't know what hit him!" *Like certain juniors I could name?* Kathy thought but didn't say. "So did you have something in mind to save his soul from the evil clutches of theoretical black widows in New England, or was this all just an exercise in paranoia?" Julio had made himself a cup of cocoa, even though it was June, because it seemed that kind of day - dark and dreary and unusually cold. Or maybe it was just him. Either way, he was sipping at it and watching the rain from the living room for a long time. *Sometimes I wonder about all this,* he thought. *I mean, this is really NOT how things are 'supposed' to be. Me here, in this...* Glancing down confirmed to him that he hadn't hallucinated the last few weeks. *Mother Mary, has it ONLY been that long?* It seemed like forever, today, since he had been outside, since he hadn't been covered in what felt like a wrapping of the grey clouds from outside. Or satin, or something else frilly. He sighed. "Now, if you could help Teresa a little bit..." Kenneth sighed and got up. "Yes, Momma-Jane." Jane smiled at the sobriquet. It still remained to be seen what he would do with Valerie, but at least he would be distracted for a while. Which meant she would have time to talk to Valerie herself. Kenneth found Teresa sitting on one of the couches in the living room, sipping at a mug that smelled like cocoa. His nose twitched as he identified the scent. *That smells strangely good,* he thought. *Maybe I could get her to make me a cup?* "Jane, would you just CHILL?!" Tucker couldn't believe she was going on like this. "I mean, YOU're the one that said I had to act like a girl, remember?" Jane snapped back, "I said a LADY, Valerie. Not one of these, these, animalistic uncontrolled hormone-befuddled sexpots the media tells young women-" "My GOD, Jane!" Tucker was aghast. He'd thought Edith White was lost in spacetime, but this... "It's the nineties, wouldja believe? Get WITH! There ARE no more princes, so it's no USE acting like a princess any more!" Jane seemed to have calmed down as he spoke, which made him nervous. "There are always times when being able to act like a lady is to one's advantage..." Tucker had to agree with her there. Times like when he was forced on dates with over-testosteroned basketball players, for one. "And you haven't shown me that you can act AS A LADY," she emphasized. "Hah!" Tucker challenged. "What do you think I've been DOING the last month? A Conan the Barbarian impersonation?" Tucker forced away the vision of Arnold Schwartzenegger in a frilly dress as too distracting. He needed all of his CPU time for this argument. "YOU have been acting out, is what you have been doing, young miss. And if I don't see some improvement, then you are going to 'flunk' out of here and be sent back-" "WHAT?!" No way he was going to let THAT happen. "I can do it TONS better than Charlene, and she was BORN to it!" How a girl like her could live to her age and be so repressed was something else he wondered about sometimes, but this part of the country seemed to generate them. *But she's from L.A.,* he reminded himself. "You have shown absoLUTEly no sign of that, young miss," Jane snarled, "and I am beginning to think you are incapable of it. I THOUGHT you had what it took, but-" Valerie reacted just as Jane had planned. Her hair almost stood on end as she snarled, "I can do it better than anyone in town and you KNOW it!" "Oh?" Jane prompted, adding doubt and contempt to her voice. Valerie almost let loose a sentence, but snapped down on it so violently that her neck and jaw muscles clenched to whiteness under the makeup. Jane was proud of her control; she wouldn't have been able to manage that a few weeks ago. She was indeed a quick student. What the girl finally let escape was a quiet, solemn, "Bets?" Jane snorted, but before she could say anything, Valerie added in a calm controlled voice, "Or, as the saying goes, care to put your money where your mouth is? Ma'am?" The last was pure challenge, and while part of her knew it, and wanted to applaud Valerie for her control, the rest of her just HAD to rise to meet it. Kenneth was smiling at him, and it made him feel weird. Like, he knew that Valerie had been kissing on him just a little while ago, but the way Kenneth was looking at him, Julio wasn't entirely sure that it had been enough for him. *Maybe that idea about talking to him was a bad one,* he decided as he handed the mug to Kenneth. The way Kenneth smiled at him confirmed that, for once, he had made the right decision. Marie was happy to find both Teresa and Kenneth in the kitchen when she went in to start preparing the evening meal. "Oh, good. Would you two mind helping me fix supper tonight?" The two of them looked at each other, but it was Teresa who replied first, "Of course not, Marie! I'd be happy to help." It was a good sign, when the students agreed with such enthusiasm, but it didn't usually happen until much later in the program. Kenneth knew that something had happened between Valerie and Jane, and he was dying to know what it was, but he knew he couldn't pump either of them for information until the other wasn't around. Finally, after dinner, he had his chance, when Jane stood up and announced the end of the meal. "Jane, may _I_ speak with YOU for a moment?" Her eyebrows quirked up, and a moment later so did her mouth, but he kept a bland, pleasant expression on his face until she indicated the parlor. "Would you forget about listening at the door?" Charlie complained as Valerie mentioned it one more time. "What got into you?" she complained back. "I have a right to know what's going on, as much as-" "Sure, and you tell that to Jane when she catches you at it. I'm sure she'd listen to reason on the matter." "The only way she'd find out is if someone told her," Valerie said darkly, and it took him a moment to realize what she was referring to. "Oh, please," he sighed, causing Teresa to pause with the last load of dirty dishes from the dining room. "I wouldn't have to tell her. Marie would, assuming she didn't know about it already. She's got the house completely wired," she said confidently. "No she doesn't," Valerie shot back. "She just wants you to think she does." "Like you know?" "Shar?" Tucker tapped on the door again, unsure if she was inside. She finally opened the door, looking ready for bed. And irritated. "What?" He hated asking - it made him feel like a perv or something - but he forced out, "C-can I sleep with you tonight? Please?" She rubbed her face, and for a moment he thought she was going to say no, but she finally grumbled, "Yeah, sure, come on. Just don't snore." The conversation between Kenneth and Jane had gone quite pleasantly for hours, but he was feeling a bit tired, and Jane noticed it with her usual perspicacity. "Perhaps it's time to retire for the evening?" she said graciously, getting up. He yawned before replying, and grinned sheepishly as he agreed with her. Before he went upstairs, though, he realized that a little more reading would be the perfect way to end the evening. "I'm gonna find my book, and then I'll go right to bed, Jane, I promise," he assured her as she paused on the stairs. "Alright then, but I will need you fresh and alert tomorrow. Teresa has her first outing then, and I think it would be best if you watch Valerie so I can concentrate on her." "Babysitting, Jane?" he teased her. "More like a witness, I think," she shot back. "I have no real doubts that she will win that bet, but it would fit if she somehow managed to cause some kind of mayhem while doing it. And I think I could use someone to keep track of what actually happens. And the damages." "I think you're going a little overboard, Jane," he started to assert before his lip cracked unpleasantly under its coating of ointment. "Mmmm hmmm." She'd noticed the wince, of course. "In any case, don't stay up too late, alright?" He promised, "I won't, Momma-Jane. And you get some sleep too, alright?" She turned and resumed climbing the stairs, but the warm, "Yes, dear," that floated down told him that she took his concern as it was intended. Charlie was in the unusual position of having to explain Valerie to his friends at school. "I dunno, she's just this girl I met over the summer," he kept telling them, but it seemed as though everyone else thought they were engaged. He finally cornered her to ask her what the hell was going on, but before he quite realized what was happening, she was kissing him, and rubbing against his body, before she pushed off from him and slid her dress from her shoulders, leaving her completely nude, and completely female, and completely wanting him- Tucker woke up when Charlene grunted and stiffened, but before he could remember how to talk so he could ask her what was going on, she practically jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. "Nuh," he commented to the room, and decided that he could, in fact, roll back over and sleep some more. "Oh, crap," he commented a couple of minutes later as his bet with Jane floated to conscious memory. "Damnit." He pulled the pillow over his head, in the hope that he could stave it off a little longer via sheer willpower. But he knew that Jane was going to want to see him in a real gown this morning, and therefore he was going to have to change before he went downstairs. As Jane settled in her chair and Kenneth pushed it in before returning to his seat at the other end of the table, she began, "Girls, we have a lot to do today. Teresa, Charlene, if you two would be so kind as to dress lightly today, we have some errands to run this morning. Teresa, Marie is laying out what you will be wearing today. Kenneth, Valerie needs to make it to choir practice this morning by nine, would you be able to take her there?" "Of course, Jane," Kenneth replied calmly, with just a hint of a smile. Jane knew the reason he was smiling was that he had divined the 'errands' Jane had planned this morning. Charlene also, by the way she carefully concealed a sigh as she looked at her plate. Even for the older students, going to Marisha Chalet was not on their list of favorites. "Thank you, Kenneth," Valerie spoke unexpectedly. Jane glanced at the girl, and she was smiling gently in his direction. *Well, I may end up losing that bet after all,* she decided. *On the other hand, for one day of absolute obedience from her, it seems well worth the cost.* "What to wear, what to wear..." Tucker sat on the bed, trying to figure out what would give the best overall sum in the games he was playing in. "Gotta look nice for Kenneth, gotta look 'sweet and feminine' for Jane, and can't look too out of place at choir today. Oh, and I wonder if I could talk him into sushi for lunch?" He smacked his lips in anticipation, and a notion came to him. "Ooooh, yeah," he agreed with himself as he got up, "that one, where did I stuff it, and is it wrinkled? Damnit!" Clothes flew as he dug. Kenneth was waiting downstairs for Valerie, and looking at his watch every few seconds. *Jane couldn't have taught them about being late,* he kept telling himself, but the time kept ticking away, so fast he could almost feel it- "Ready?" a voice asked him from the top of the stairs. "Of course," he replied automatically as he swung his gaze. Valerie was smiling at him again, and gently descended the stairs as if to model her outfit for him. Today, she was wearing a white sundress, with matching heeled sandals and purse, and a large sunhat pinned into her hair. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and exceptionally stylish. "You look fantastic," he commented as she neared the bottom of the stairs. "Thank you," she smiled gently, and raised her hand, which he found himself taking quite before he realized what he was doing. She clung to his hand, as if unsure of her footing, and smiled at him as she waited for him to lead off. Charlie could have done without the trip to the salon, but it was almost so routine, he was more annoyed with the anticipated boredom than anything else. *At least Sandy will be busy with...* He looked over at Teresa, who looked more than subdued; she looked like she was about to freak out at any moment. *Uh oh,* he thought. *She couldn't. She wouldn't!* But it appeared that Jane was going to anyway. A hand at his back almost made him break and run, but it was Charlene, looking concerned. "Just chill out, okay?" she said quietly and calmly. "You'll do fine in there if you just remember your manners, okay?" She snorted. "Hell, even Valerie made it through there without anyone having to call the cops." Knowing Valerie's penchant for throwing sand in Jane's gears, he snorted in amusement, and the thought made him feel better. "That's it," Charlene encouraged him. "Just be nice, and stay calm, and nobody'll be the wiser." "Quite true," Jane added, and Julio flinched, not having realized how close she was. "Success here rests more in your hands than anyone else's. If you remember and apply what you were taught, then you will do fine." "I'm really sorry about your lip," Valerie felt it necessary to comment as they turned onto the main road. He was a little tired of her apologizing, but it beat the uncomfortable silence that had oppressed the car before she spoke. "It's okay, Val," he reassured her. "I know you didn't mean to." *At least, I'm pretty sure.* "It'll heal quick enough." The silence came back, and grew, until he finally thought of something to ask her. "So how did you get into a choir?" "So you are Jane's latest sissy-boy," the stylist commented slyly. Julio almost swallowed his tongue. Kenneth had asked him questions about choir all the way there, and it had been a minor strain to remember to choose his words so he'd report back to Jane that he was keeping up with their wager. But Tucker thought he was doing pretty well, so he was happy enough when they pulled to a stop in front of the choir house. Unfortunately, when he got out, so did Kenneth. "Um, what's up?" Tucker managed to ask, rather than the "Whafuck?" that was on the tip of his tongue. "I was thinking, maybe I could meet some of your friends?" he smiled at Tucker. *Oh, yeah, JUST what I want this morning,* Tucker thought, but managed to keep it all off his face. "Oh, well, okay, come on, but we don't have much time before practice starts." Before he forgot, he added, "Oh, and if you come back out to the car, don't sit on my hat, please?" "A permanent?!" the boy-girl in front of Carolyn literally squeaked. "Of course, dear, it'll be so much easier to manage than having to wrap your hair in curlers every night," Sandy commented, loud enough to be heard in the next stall. "Now, I know a lot of girls are worried that we'll damage their beautiful hair when they get their first perm, but we're professionals!" She leaned closer to Teresa's ear, and added, sotto voce, "And if you don't start acting like you want one, then, why, we might just have to explain to all our disappointed customers why the pretty boy in the pretty dress doesn't want his hair messed up. And I'd bet you don't want that kind of attention, do you?" "Where'd you meet him?" Missy asked as they filed into the choir room. "Oh, he came down to visit," Tucker said neutrally. "He's staying for a couple of days or something. I'm not sure when he's gonna leave, actually. Maybe he'll stay the whole summer." "With YOU, in the same house?" Missy confirmed, her eyes and voice both glinting with the hint of scandal. "Well, we DO have separate rooms, you know," Tucker didn't answer. *My my my, she sure seems intrigued with the idea. Maybe I should suggest he go stay at her house for the summer.* "Is that why you're so dressed up today?" Ellen asked, and Tucker detected a hint of sly malevolence in her tone. As Charlie sat in the 'hot seat,' he tried not to yawn. *It's bad enough I have to go through this BS every two weeks, but why does it have to smell so bad?* It was one of those unanswerables, and so he didn't worry too much about it. When Carolyn came back, he was almost glad for the diversion. "How do you feel about acrylic nails?" she asked smiling in that you-don't-really-have-a-choice way that all of Jane's cronies had. "What, like fake nails?" he confirmed, and she nodded. "I don't think that's such a good idea, with the skating I'm doing, do you?" "Oh," Carolyn commented with mock sadness, "but Jane would be so disappointed if you didn't." *Gee, life's tough,* he thought, but he knew he wasn't going to win this one. "Well.... wait," he said as something he'd read floated past him. "Doesn't it mess up my normal nails if you do that?" Her eyebrows came together as she replied, "No, not at all. They come off eventually..." Her expression got less pleased, which Charlie figured was because she had let slip that such nails actually come off at some point. "No, no, that's fine," he hastened to say, and smiled at her. "As long as they're, um, 'active length,' I think you call it? I'd love to have a set put on. But, what happens if I crack one? I mean, can I get it fixed, or do I have to come in here, or what?" When Miz Bishop let them out for their break, Tucker rushed out like the rest of the girls, eager to drink a little orange juice and not sing on demand. And, lo and behold, there was Kenneth, sitting in the car, and now looking up as the girls poured out of the building. *What the...* "He's waiting for youuuu," Missy teased. "Yeah, sure," Tucker snapped back automatically, as Kenneth got out of the car and waved in his general direction. "I think he wants to talk to you, Missy, come on!" With that, he grabbed her arm and started to drag her over. "What, me? Wait!" she protested, but not enough to dissuade him. As Julio sat under the hair dryer, completely miserable, his eyes lit upon Charlene. She was having her nails done. He was grateful it was her and not him, until he realized that he was probably next. "Urrrr," he vocalized in horror. Charlene must have heard him, even though he was trying to be quiet, because she glanced over at him. She smiled at him, and stuck her tongue out when the woman wasn't looking at him. Strangely enough, it made him feel a little bit better. Kenneth had never been surrounded by this many women at one time, and it made him feel a little strange. Especially since a lot of them were trying to catch his eye or chat him up. When the choir director finally called them all back in, he sighed in relief. "This is getting strange," he commented to himself as he walked back to his car. "Maybe that's what Jane was talking about," he mused. An unexpected flash of white caught his attention, and when he looked at it, it was a note folded under one of his wipers. Pulling it out, he discovered it had a phone number on it. Charlie was completely bored, waiting for Teresa to get done with her nails. And there was nothing interesting to do in a salon, either, except- "Hey!" said a half-familiar voice, and he looked over and saw Pauline and Trish coming in. "Whatsup?" the older girl asked, signing for her sister's benefit. "Oh, just getting my hair done again, and Jane sprang for nails this time," Charlie replied, waving his fingers in the air at them. Trish wiggled her hands and arms, and Pauline translated, "Way cool!" "So what're you in for?" Charlie asked. Julio had thought he'd reached the end of his limits when he sat down oh so carefully in the nail chair - which was in full view of everyone in the salon - and tried to keep up a conversation with Carolyn. As usual, whenever he thought it couldn't get any worse, it got worse. This time, it was by the appearance of a couple more girls, these apparently locals, whom Charlene had the sadistic idea of introducing to him. "This is Pauline, and this is Trisha; she's deaf, so Pauline has to translate. And this is Teresa," she indicated. He managed to force out a weak, "Hi?" as his heart sped into the red zone and he started to sweat. Pauline wondered at the girl's nervousness, but then figured it out. *Man, if I was dressed like that and outside, I'd be scared too. She looks way too nice to be normal. Like one of the usual prisses, I guess,* she realized. *Guess that Miz Thompson makes 'em dress that way.* It made sense. Any girl nowadays could wear jeans and T-shirts without worrying about it - they had to learn how to wear the nicer stuff, and she figured the best way to do it was keep the girls in 'pretties' all the time. *Glad it's not me,* was Pauline's last thought on the matter, before Sandy called her over for her appointment. "Hey, see ya later, okay?" "Sure!" Charlene said eagerly, and even Teresa managed a weak smile. Trish had something in mind, and she wasn't in the mood to argue. Finally, when the woman refused to look at the note any more, she went to fetch Pauline. she signed when she had her sister's attention. Pauline asked as she sat up and looked at the note Trish handed her. Trish signed forcefully. Pauline remarked. Trish grinned, and added, Pauline snorted, and Trish knew she'd won her sister over. Now, it merely remained to convince the stylist that she meant what she'd written on the note. "Oh, God," Julio said as their destination became apparent to him. They were quickly approaching a store, one FULL of women's clothing, that was ominously named 'The Style Shoppe'. The sign added, in smaller lettering, 'Elegant Fashions for the Young Miss'. HE'd rather go swimming in the proverbial swimming pool full of razor blades. "Don't choke now," Charlene whispered into his ear. "This'll be no problem. It's just hot." She huffed, irritated, and added, "You'd think a place like this could pay for more A/C in the dressing rooms, but no way. Sheesh!" "Oh, jeez," Tucker complained to himself as several of the girls actually beat him out to Kenneth's car. He would have said it to someone if there was anyone left, but all the single girls were in hunting mode. "Now we'll never get out of here. And my throat HURTS!" *Maybe you could convince everyone that drinks would be a good idea,* he thought. "Hmmmm." ANYthing was better than waiting around for the sharks to lose interest in this out-of-town hunk of meat he'd brought. "Charlene!" Teresa whispered in half-strangled tones. "Help!" "What?" Charlie whispered back, peeking into her stall to see what the problem was. "I can't go out there like this! I'm half naked!" She was, too, not that it mattered to Charlie any more. Charlie sighed. "Look, you're covered enough, and nobody really comes back here, okay? Just be cool with it, and look like you don't care about it. Like a locker room, right?" "But I've never been in a GIRL'S locker room!" she pointed out. *Like that makes a difference?* "Look, same thing. Except this place doesn't smell." The idea of a locker room's distinctive reek, in this place that was full of ultra-feminine silks and satins, made him snort, which made Teresa chuckle, which et cetera, which finally led to Jane coming into the dressing room to see what all the noise was about. When she came in, Teresa almost choked, but managed to lift an arm and point, and gasp out, "Coach!" Charlie almost died. "It's not that I'm ashamed, to face the light of da'ay. It's really just a case, of self-deluuuusion," Tucker was surprised when Kenneth had Erasure in his CD case, but it was completely cool with him. *Almost as good as Blues Traveller,* he thought as he tried to remember the next verse. Kenneth was sure that there was some explanation for why he was wandering around a mall with a half-dozen females, but he wasn't quite sure what it was. He just knew that Valerie had somehow started it. *Speaking of whom...* She wasn't in the cluster of window-shoppers any more, and he hadn't seen her leave. Trish had the complexion to carry off either blond or red, but it was the way she'd combined the two of them that left Tucker breathless. She'd had the hair on the sides trimmed down to a couple of inches, and had those areas colored blond, but the top and back had been left untouched by scissors, and was now a brilliant red. "Oh, my GOD!" was all Tucker could say. Trish preened. Pauline was shaking her head, but Tucker was at a complete loss for words for several moments. Finally, he forced out, Pauline made a noise of disgust, but he didn't care. Julio rapidly got tired of trying on clothes, but every time he started to really get bugged, Charlene would whisper something to him like, "Hut! Hut!" and he'd have to hold his mouth shut so he wouldn't start laughing again. Just before he got really concerned, Kenneth saw Valerie in the company of Pauline, and some other girl with two-toned hair. *Now I know where she got the idea from,* he snorted. When Kenneth looked at his watch, Tucker knew that something was coming up he wasn't going to like. "Valerie, did you remember you have a hair appointment at one?" *Bing! Right on the money.* "No," he replied honestly. Trish moved, and he gasped, "Oh, my GOD, that'd be-" "NO." Kenneth seemed firm about it. "Oh, but, come ON, it is soo COOOL!" Tucker protested. "NO!" Kenneth had finally disposed of the snooty bitches from choir practice, which would have been cool except that he took Valerie off to the salon for her appointment. Trish sighed. *Now what?* Pauline must've caught her sigh, because she signed, Trish was on the verge of getting bored, so she said yes, and they went off to find the place. It was one of those clothing places that they never went, 'cause it was so expensive, but sometimes Trish had secret longings for the super-feminine creations they showed in the windows. Pauline knew that they were out of place in the shop, but after she fended off a couple of sales-GIRLS, they were left in peace. Trish elbowed her in the ribs, thankfully silent this time, and signed, and pointed to a hallway. Pauline replied, but she knew she shouldn't have taken the time to talk, because Trish was already walking quickly towards the door. *Oh, damnit, she's gonna get us thrown out again!* she thought as she rushed to try and catch her sister before she did something else dumb. Julio had just stepped off the stage from showing off the latest of Jane's picks, when the applause he heard almost made him trip as he whirled around. It was the two girls from the salon, applauding. *Oh, shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...* "Oh," Carolyn remarked, "Jane said you were going to be working with Lori today?" "Uh huh!" Tucker confirmed. "She did SUCH a nice job on my hair last time, I've just GOT to have her again." Not to mention, she hadn't attempted to strap him down in the seat. That counted in Tucker's ratings. Carolyn glared at him, but he just smiled back, daring her to contradict him. Then he remembered the hat. "Um, is there some place I can put this," he asked, gently starting to pull it off, "where it won't get crushed?" "Now, ladies, this is a PRIVATE showing, and Miz Thompson has reserved this room for-" "Yeah," Pauline interrupted the older woman, "I know, but, I mean, Charlene's our friend, and we won't get in the way, we promise! Please?" added Trish, looking innocent for once. Pauline knew it was useless, though, because she was the only one that spoke sign language in the room. While everyone else was involved in the discussion with the two girls that had almost caused Julio a heart attack, they weren't paying attention to him. He thought longingly about sneaking to the dressing room and getting out of the dress he was wearing, but realized it would probably cost him more in 'good-behaviour' points than it would be worth. Instead, he found the chair Jane had been sitting on, and swept his skirt forward as he eased into the seat. Charlene was right, too; this place was a lot warmer than it needed to be. And, come to think of it, he could seriously use a drink. He wondered if a place like this would have a coke machine, then almost laughed at himself. *No way. Maybe an espresso bar or something trendy, but cokes?* He sighed. "Jane, why don't we just let them stay, okay?" Everyone's eyes turned to Charlie. "I mean, it's not gonna hurt anything, and..." Jane's glare in particular was making him nervous. "Um..." "Please, Miz Thompson?" begged the older girl, but Trish waved her hand to get everyone's attention, and then started 'talking' to her interpreter. "Um," the older girl translated, "she said that if we can stay, we'll, um, we'll-" "How about getting some drinks?" asked an unexpected voice from behind him. He turned around, as several people did, and it was Teresa. She looked bushed. "Jane? It's really hot, and it's making my throat hurt," she rasped. *Even when she's not here! It's as if the child has infected the very air around her!* Jane fumed silently as she dug in her purse. Tucker caught sight of Sandy as he was sitting under the dryer, and he stuck his tongue out at her. Pauline fumed as she stood in line to buy drinks. "How come it's always ME that has to do these stupid errands?" At least it wasn't her money this time. Carolyn caught Valerie as she was getting up with Lori from the hair dryer. "So, how would you like to get your nails done?" she asked rhetorically. "What, like fakes? Um, I mean..." The boy-girl thought for a moment, then said, "Acrylics?" At Caro's nod, she asked, "Well, but, how durable are they?" Kenneth was saved from boredom only by the fact that he had cleverly brought his book in with him. At least until someone feminine sat down beside him. He put his bookmark in before he closed the book and looked up to see who it was. It was one of the girls from choir. "Hi!" she said nervously. Trish thought she just might possibly die. It had been SO long since she'd dropped the tomboy camouflage that she wore, that it was like taking off a pair of hiking boots after a solid weekend of wearing them. Now, she was draped in chiffon, with silk 'dainties' underneath, and it was like being transported to heaven. Pauline shook her head as her sister took the stage and twirled around gently. "I always knew..." she said to herself. "What?" Charlene asked. Pauline sighed, a little embarrassed. "She's always been a tomboy, but sometimes she plays dress-up, and it's like she's a whole different person. She's almost reasonable." After a few moments, Charlene replied, "She does look kinda different." Trish looked over at Pauline, so she gave her sister two thumbs up, which she really did deserve at this point. She did look good, even with that stupid haircut. Tucker held the nails up so he could see them better. "Cool," he said honestly. "And they match my hair?" Carolyn nodded wearily. "So, um, what do I do if I break one?" Tucker figured it was a legitimate question; the wince that crossed her face didn't make any sense to him at all. Jane was rather surprised to see how eagerly the deaf girl, Trish, changed into gowns and dresses that her charges would usually choke on. She also noticed an interesting side effect - both Charlene and Teresa seemed to perk up whenever Trish was showing something. Her enthusiasm really did seem to be infectious. *Hmmmm...* "Miz Thompson?" Jane turned, and it was the older one, Pauline, who was still in her street clothes. "Thanks, I mean, for letting her try stuff on here. This, I mean, Mom can't afford this place, and so we never came in before. But she REALLY digs this stuff sometimes. I think it made her whole month!" Before she could stop herself, Jane mentioned, "Well, why don't we find something for you, hmmm?" "Um," Pauline replied, looking around nervously. "Me?" Kenneth was saved from the predations of this particular female when Valerie walked over to him and smiled. "All done!" Unfortunately, he wasn't sure he wanted to be saved. "Well, you look fantastic," he commented as he stood up. She did, too. Caro had apparently added some makeup, and the brilliant colors on her face matched both her vivid hair, or what could be seen of it under her hat, and her new nails. "Really?" she asked breathlessly, as if it truly mattered to her. "Thank you!" she smiled, and stuck her arm in his. "I'm starving; can we go to lunch someplace?" The girl sitting in the waiting chair did not look pleased at all. At least, not until he gently removed Valerie's hand from his elbow. Then she looked quite pleased. "What was that all about?" Tucker asked as they strolled towards the food court. "What?" "That bit in there, when you blew me off in front of Missy," Tucker reminded him. Kenneth stopped, and so Tucker did too. "Look," he said, staring Tucker in the eye and quite serious, "you're going too far with this." "With what?" Tucker put on the female version of his innocent face, and hoped it worked better than when he usually tried it. Copyright 1997-1999 Ellen Hayes, all rights reserved