Marie felt better about Eugene as she dressed him up. His earlier nonchalance had been disconcerting, but now he had the usual sort of expression that all the boys had at this stage. Perhaps he was even more worried. Good. As the powder brush whisked over his face, he wondered why he was getting a little aroused. A bit of thought told him that he was used to having his girlfriend do this, and at the very least, she would kiss him when he was finished. He glanced up at Marie, and realized that he was going to be without love for a long time. He sighed. Marie handed him the lipstick, and said gently, "Would you do this your self, please?" Eugene sighed and looked at her in the mirror, then accepted the tube from her. And in four quick strokes, he had it on. He leaned forward in the mirror, checking - as did every young woman - for missed spots, while Marie attempted to regain her mental balance. *Impossible!* she thought. Tucker shut the door to the bedroom as Marie had requested, and started down the hallway towards Jane's parlor. A click made him look behind him. Charlene was peeking through the door at him. An instant later, she slammed the door shut, but Tucker could still hear her laughing and laughing... *I hope she chokes,* Tucker thought nastily, and began plotting revenge on her as he made his way downstairs. The burn on his cheeks didn't improve his attitude any, either. The knock on the door came about when she expected. Jane got up from the other desk and went to the door. He looked most appealing, she decided, as he stood there in an exquisite blue-and-white floral outfit that would have made a four year old girl squeal. Eugene, of course, didn't look like he would be squealing in sartorial ecstasy anytime soon. The makeup Marie had added gave just the right touch of color, too. "I'll be with you in a minute, darling," she said, enjoying the wince her gently mocking tone had evinced. "Now, dear, if you're ready to behave, sit there on the bench until I'm done, alright?" With that, she shut the door on him before she could lose her composure by laughing. Tucker sighed, and turned around to look at the bench. He could almost see the ghosts of schoolchildren staring back at him with big, sad eyes as they waited their turn for a caning. *Jeez, you can tell the bitch worked at a school,* he thought, *she must've brought all the furniture with her when she left.* He was about to sit down when a flash of memory warned him. Frowning, he bent down and made a tiny crease on the uppermost of the petticoats. It stayed when he let go, confirming his suspicions. *Setup,* he thought, relief washing over him like a cold wave. *She expected me to plop down and wait, maybe keep me there until I start leaning or something, and then scream at me for all the wrinkles.* Right. He wasn't born yesterday. As he knelt in the floor, preparing to assume the Japanese sazen position for as long as it took, he realized that he really did have something to thank his sister for. Without watching her and her tricks, and the trouble she'd gotten into in front of him, he would have been even more at this lunatic's mercy than he was already. After he arranged his clothing, he settled down to some serious plotting. Charlie had calmed himself down after seeing the little geek after Marie had done with him, and gotten a couple of the cookies he'd been forced to bake Friday. If Jane hadn't been tape recording the whole thing, he wouldn't have bothered, but she was, and so he had to. As he turned the corner, expecting to see Eugene sitting sprawled out on the bench like he'd been on the chair at lunch, he missed the new kid at first. When he started looking around, though, the blue confection on the floor almost leaped out at him. Eugene was kneeling as if he was a Chinese doll or something, with his hands folded in his lap and his skirts arranged around him in an almost perfect circle. *Oh, shit,* he thought. *Well, flush opening conversational gambit number one...* Tucker had heard footfalls, but had carefully restrained his natural reaction - to get up and run like hell - and fought to control his breathing. The footsteps stopped a few feet away, and stayed there for a while. Then they moved around to his front and stopped again. "Sorry for laughing," said Charlene's voice, and Tucker finally opened his eyes and looked up at her. She looked sincere, which didn't really mean anything. All of his family could keep a straight face. On the other hand, she was offering him a cookie, while eating another one. Glancing at her face, the blonde hair arranged perfectly around it, and the rather expensive dress she had changed into, he assumed that she wouldn't have the brains to remember which one contained poison. Still, this didn't make sense to him. Eugene looked up at Charlie, and frowned slightly. "I thought I'd bring you a cookie. Jane always works at this time of the evening, something to do with her consulting business, and I bet you're starving." *Come on, come on, you shithead, can't you tell I'm being nice?* She proffered it to him again, and he took it this time, and slowly munched on it. Tucker ate the cookie, alert for any strange tastes, but all he could find was a bit of cinnamon. Charlene knelt down next to him on the floor, smiling at him, and arranged herself into that familiar position that women adopt, perching on her hips while her legs trailed out to one side. Tucker noticed that her skirt remained unwrinkled also. *Aha,* he thought. "If it's any help, I think it's a nasty thing she's doing to you," Charlene said with what sounded like genuine tenderness. Tucker smiled weakly at her. He'd managed to put it out of his mind, and so of course she reminded him of it. *I hate this,* he thought. "Most of the time, Jane's not so bad," she continued before taking another bite of her own cookie. Tucker's snort slipped out of his mouth. "No, really," she insisted after she swallowed. "I mean, you must've done something really horrible to get this kind of treatment." Tucker shrugged. "I dunno," he replied, "she just said I would end up in jail if I didn't make it here." Charlene's eyes widened. "What did you do?" she asked. "I don't know!" Tucker protested. "That's the worst part. Just 'something' which I guess is so horrible she won't even tell me what it is." "Well, I mean," she said, sounding at a loss, "you've got to have some idea..." Tucker sighed. "Too many possibilities," he finally admitted. "And the last thing I'm going to do is go through all of them, in case she missed a couple." Charlie used every trick of feminine conversation he'd learned at Jane's, and finally drew out of him that he was feeling humiliated. *Yeah, you ought to, looking like an eight-year old,* Charlie thought, but didn't let that thought surface to his face. "I'm really sorry I laughed," Charlie apologized, trying to sound as sweet and sincere as he could manage. "You just looked so cute in the hallway!" Eugene snorted at her, but the red creeping down his neck told him he'd scored a hit. *Gotcha!* "Did she give you the spiel about when she used to be headmistress of some private school?" he asked, changing the subject. When Eugene nodded, he nodded back and smiled. "Yeah, well, from what I've heard, little bits here and there, she's still annoyed that they fired her." "I bet," Tucker said softly. "It's so much harder to find victims to torture outside of the school system." "Really!" Charlie gushed, partially hating himself for the feminine tone, and partially glad he was working the geek so well. "From what I heard, she got canned because of 'cruel and unusual punishments' to the kids." Eugene glared at her. "Oh, reeeeeeeely?" he drawled, and they both chuckled. "So what does she do to the girls?" Eugene asked. The implications of that question hit him a few seconds after he started to make up a lie about it. He BELIEVED Charlie was a girl! Tucker stared at her as she trailed off into silence. She was staring at him, a look of horror on her face. "Never mind," he said quickly, "forget I asked, okay?" Eventually, she nodded. There was one of those pauses Tucker hated. Finally Tucker asked her, "So how long do you think she'll keep me like this?" "Um," she gulped, "um." She took a breath and started over. "I mean, I don't know. She's doing it to shake you up, though, I know that." She shook her head at something. "She's real good at that. Anyway," she went on, focusing on him again, "just try not to let it get to you." "Says you!" Tucker shot back, indignant. "You try sitting here in this stuff!" She smiled, sort of sickly at him, and said softly, "Been there, done that." Oh. Duh. Tucker felt dumber than usual. "Didja get the T shirt?" he asked, and she chuckled at that. "Anyway, she's just doing it to get you off balance so she can get you to obey her," Charlene said. "If you do what she says, she'll slack off eventually." "Eventually? Like when?" Charlene shrugged, her hair flouncing. Tucker repressed a sigh for Debbie, who never did that sort of thing. *Trapped in the land of the debutantes,* he thought. "I dunno!" she replied. "Just, I mean, you know, behave yourself, and she'll figure out it's working and stop. She's probably just afraid of you, I mean, if you did something bad enough to go to jail for it, she's probably just pulling out the big stuff at the front to intimidate you." Charlie was rather impressed with his own cleverness, this time. As he mentally patted himself on the back, Eugene nodded slowly, like he believed him. *And if that doesn't satisfy the bitch,* Charlie thought, *then nothing will!* "So what does she want me to do?" Eugene asked him. *Oh ho, eat the bait,* Charlie thought, restraining his grin. "Um," he said, noticing that he was wrapping a curl of hair around a finger. He was about to stop, when he remembered just WHY he had picked up that particular habit. *When I get out of here, I am shaving my head,* he reminded himself. "Well, I mean, she's really, she really thinks manners are important, you know?" Eugene nodded, a sour expression showing he'd indeed noticed. Not like it was hard. "So, I mean, you know, just be what she expects you to be." "What the hell does that mean?" Eugene grumbled at her. "Am I supposed to act like a good little girl or what?" He shivered at some implication in his own words that escaped Charlie. "Well, yeah, pretty much. She wouldn't have dressed you up like that except to make a point. Something about grace under pressure or adaptability or something," he lied, and almost applauded himself. "So," he continued, expanding on the thread he'd started, "she'll probably want you to act like the good little girl, yeah, if you're dressed like that." "If she thinks this'll work, she is so full of shit it'll be running out of her ears," Eugene said defiantly. *Sure thing, geek boy,* Charlie thought. *And who's sitting here looking like they're going to a first grade birthday party?* "Well," he said sadly, moving as if he was going to get up, "then I guess you'll be wearing those things forever. If she lets you stay at all, that is." "Wait!" Eugene said urgently, and Charlie had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the sound of panic in the dork's voice. "But, I mean, what do I DOOOOoo?" he moaned. *Hooked, filleted, and fryin' in the pan,* Charlie thought with a grin that he couldn't let show. He rose to his feet and with a conspiratorial whisper said, "Let me show you a few tricks to get a head start on her. It'll keep _her_ a little off balance for once." Tucker thought that he wasn't doing too badly, all things considered. The last thing in the world he wanted was for this girl, or anyone else here for that matter, to figure out what he'd been doing around Debbie, as it were, so he let Charlene explain things to him that he already knew. She'd confirmed that Jane was expecting him to wrinkle his clothes and punish him for it, for one thing. That definitely made Tucker grin. Charlene asked him to walk for her, so he did, doing it as clumsily as he could manage so she could "correct" him. "Not too bad," she said, pissing him off, but she added, "the only problem is, you're gonna bundle your pettis like that." "I'm gonna what?" "Well, see, they get tangled up if you walk like that." *I don't PLAN to walk like this, you stupid slitch,* he thought angrily, *I'm doing this for your benefit!* "So what you have to do is walk like this." She demonstrated a sashay that would have done a model proud. Tucker stared at her as she walked down the hall, and just barely managed to get the leer of appreciation off his face as she turned around. "See, you try it," she said. Tuck didn't have to fake being awkward with this gait. Debbie and the rest had taught him something approaching normalcy, something he could maintain indefinitely, instead of this over-exaggerated version. Still, it worked like she said. "Oh, and never try to do it by hand, or you'll really mess things up, okay?" Tucker nodded, still trying to concentrate on walking like she had. When she finally nodded approval, he stopped and sighed. "Do I have to walk like that ALL the time? You don't," he observed. "Well, no," she admitted after a pause, "but when Jane's watching, or as long as you're wearing those things, you sort of have to." Tucker sighed. "Great." Finally deciding that things had proceeded as far as they ought to tonight, Jane unplugged the earphones from the concealed microphone out in the hall and stood up, stretching. She placed the 'phones into a drawer and went to the door. *Charlene is doing much better tonight than I had anticipated, given her performance earlier,* she thought. *I suppose that 'talk' I had with her did some good, at last.* Jane had made it perfectly clear to the reluctant Charlene exactly what would be required of her in the days ahead, and reminded her that she, too, had to satisfy Jane before she would be released. When she opened the door, Eugene was sitting on the bench in almost perfect feminine repose. *A quick study,* she thought. *Perhaps this will be easier than I had feared.* "Eugene, come in, please." The boy did exactly what Charlene had coached him to, even getting the hip wiggle that was so difficult to teach them. Jane sat down, inwardly pleased at how fast he was picking it all up, and modifying her plans to include his rapid learning. Eugene stopped at the desk, and stood there, hands clasped behind his back like she'd taught all her young men to do. "VERY good," she said, and was gratified to see a smile appear on Tuck's face. *Skinner was more correct than he wanted to imagine,* she thought. "I'm very pleased with your performance just now, and earlier. It seems almost as though you've been coached." She ignored the guilty look that flashed quickly across his face, knowing exactly from whence it came. *Shit!* Tucker thought. *'M gonna have to work on that.* He sighed inside, trying to imagine how to balance pleasing Jane versus looking suspiciously adept. *Do I take whatever sick punishments this psycho can think up, or do it too well and make her suspicious? That IS the question...* Jane went on and on, bringing up his past sins at lunch and elsewhere, making oblique references which Tucker didn't even want to pursue. Finally, she got through listening to herself talk and told Tucker to go wait in the dining room for dinner. Charlie informed Eugene when he came in that he was expected to wait, standing, behind his chair until Jane came in and sat down. Eugene sighed, but stood there waiting. *This ought to be easy,* he thought to himself. Jane finally finished the excellent repast with a slice of peach pie, which was appreciated by everyone. Marie had elected to end the luncheon with an excellent peach pie, a treat which none of them refused. After Jane finished the last bite, she wiped her lips and said, "Well." Eugene dropped his fork in startlement, then gave her a guilty look. *Oh, priceless,* she thought to herself. *And where is your arrogance now?* Tucker said good night to Charlene, as Jane had told him to, and went upstairs, hoping against hope that Marie would let him out of the damned corset so he could sleep. Or something. It was a sure bet that he couldn't a) get out of it himself and b) put it back on again by morning. He'd never have gotten out of Debbie's corset without help, and he had a feeling it was simpler than this one. When he got to his room, Marie was already there. She told him to undress, and corrected him sharply as he began to skin out of the clothes as fast as he could. She made him hang everything up, and had to help him out of the petticoats. He breathed a definite sigh of relief as the laces were loosened on the corset, and he took his first deep breath in what seemed like several days. *I hate corsets,* he decided, as the fresh air did him ill and he had to stop and cough for a while. When he got finished hacking up lung tissue, Marie handed him a nightgown that - no coincidence, he was sure - matched the outfit he'd been wearing earlier, except it was in a much softer satin, and told him to go into the bathroom and put it on, along with a bra in the same color. *Where do they get all this stuff in the same colors?* he wondered as he closed the door and checked to make sure the ATM card in its plastic envelope was still secure. It was. He slid the bra on, then slipped the gown over his head. A glance in the mirror showed him that he looked, not surprisingly, just like he had the last time he'd slept over at Debbie's. He sighed. Marie wondered, as she painted his fingernails in a delicate pink, what Jane and Charlene had done to him to reduce him from the overconfident young turk he'd been originally to the weary, sad little child he seemed now. He didn't even argue as she pulled his other hand out of the soak and dried it off. *Jane must have found his lever,* she thought. Tucker was so busy thinking about Debbie and the distance between them that he only noticed the curlers when Marie started wrapping the first one into his hair. "Hey," he complained, "haven't you ever heard of a curling iron?" In a slight French accent, Marie replied, "Jane wants your hair to be curled overnight, so that it will last longer." Tucker sighed. *Is there no end?* Charlene gasped. "What do you mean, 'decent'?!" she protested vehemently. "It was fantastic! I had him eating out of the palm of my hand!" "While I admit," Jane replied, a note of iron in her voice, "that you did a sterling job, it was not under any circumstances perfect. Why didn't you get him to tell you just what he had been sent here to avoid?" Charlene sputtered for a moment. "He wouldn't tell me! He dodged around it like we were playing tag! Didn't you hear what he said, about doing so much that he didn't know what it was?" "Oh, please," Jane sighed, "he knows exactly what he did, or what he was charged with at the very least. You should have been able to get him to tell you what it was." Tucker stared at himself in the mirror. *Where's the camera,* he thought slowly. *If this isn't a sitcom picture of 'girl going to bed,' I dunno what is.* If that wasn't bad enough, his nipples hurt. And if THAT wasn't bad enough, Jane came in right about then, too. She smiled at Tucker, who forced a smile back. "All ready for bed, I see. Well, I want you to get a good night's rest, for we have a full agenda tomorrow." *What next, floggings?* She put her hand on his shoulder and caressed him through the nightgown, a move which irritated him no end. "Normally, you would remove your makeup before going to sleep, but I want you to be very aware of it as you lay there tonight. Keep a mental image of that softly painted face you see..." *Right,* Tucker thought angrily, *not too damned hard with these fucking curlers poking me in the head all night long.* He longed to jump Jane and smack her with a chair, but gripped his fury and held it, promising it later, later.... Sensing the tension in his body, Jane removed her hand, but continued speaking in that quiet, sensual voice. "That's to be you for the future, Eugene. Sweet, feminine, pretty little you." She watched the blush of embarrassment war with the white of anger, the deep pink tinge finally winning out. "In fact," she said, walking to the makeup table and picking up a lipstick tube, "Let's see you how well you have learned to put this on tonight." Tucker was seriously honked off at this point. Usually, getting all this shit done to him was at least a prelude to sex. Now, he had some old crazy psychotic fondling him and mouthing sweet nothings in his ear while his girlfriend languished far far away, and now she wanted to embarrass him right before he went to sleep. Right. Not. Harnessing his fury, he ever-so-gently picked the lipstick out of Jane's hand, and walked as slowly and as gracefully over to the makeup table as he could. Then, in one smooth practiced motion, he applied another coat, better than Debbie could do. *Eat that, bitch,* he snarled to himself in the mirror. The red of the lipstick contrasted quite nicely with his bared white teeth. Ignoring him, Jane said offhandedly, "You're making some progress. In a while you may even become proficient. Indeed, we'll spend a lot of time tomorrow learning how we make ourselves pretty." *I WILL EAT YOU!* screamed a part of his mind in defiance. Another part realized that it would take a lot of boiling to make a stringy corpse like hers edible and tender, and the rest of him almost laughed at the thought of boiling Jane in a pot to make broth. Jane was a bit disturbed at the smile that replaced the look of fury in the mirror, but nevertheless turned him around to add some blush to his face. He stood there passively as she said, "Mind you, there will always be times when you are submitted to Marie's governance and mine. Part of your training is to feel the distress at being subdued by a woman's hand, feminizing and softening that rough exterior, making you appreciate the importance of having that coarse masculinity of yours suppressed under the guidance of a gentlewoman." *Kiss my girlfriend's steel,* Eugene thought to himself, and smiled at the image of a Xena-like Debbie riding to his rescue and lopping off Jane's head with an axe. "That is your fate for the time being," Jane said, finally deciding that she'd added enough. Tucker knew that it was way too much and he looked like a clown, which didn't improve his attitude any. *You'd think this lunatic would at least know what looks decent,* he complained silently. Jane went on, "To be an adorable," he winced, "winsome," his eyebrows flickered at that as he tried to remember what 'winsome' meant, "little boy in skirts." *Not the first time, lady,* he thought. "I shall see you in the dining room for breakfast at eight thirty sharp. Is that understood?" "Yes ma'am," he replied as neutrally as he could manage. "Well, then, I think it is time for your last look at yourself before you get into bed for the night." She turned him around, and gently guided him to the full length mirror on the closet door. *Too much blush,* he said to himself as he stared. *Idiot.* "Now, keep that face in mind, little one, as you sleep tonight," she cooed at him as she pushed him towards the bed and waited for him to get under the covers. He slid in, and she actually tucked him in like he was a child, including placing the rabbit in his hands. Jane cherished the sight of the little boy, dolled up and in curlers, clutching the stuffed rabbit and glaring at her just like a rebellious little girl-child, as she turned off the light and closed the door. But, she didn't forget to lock it. As the door shut to his room, Tucker sighed. *Yeah, right, sleep. I got things to do....* And first on the agenda was waiting for everything in the house to settle down. No, first on the agenda was pulling off this damned nightgown. He waited for a count of five hundred, then jettisoned the rabbit and pulled the nightgown over his head, making sure not to smear makeup all over it. Gently easing out of bed, he reached underneath and found his laptop where he'd left it. "Thank all the gods," he whispered as he pulled his laptop out and began decoding and investigating his mail. Two hours later, and feeling good that he'd gotten so many messages of support at the last stop, he sighed, checked the clock, and decided it was time to increase his options. Since he couldn't do much locked up in the room, it was time to make a key. He got up and padded slowly to the chest of drawers, carefully avoiding the creaks and groans of the old wood floors. Kneeling down, he slid out the lowest drawer and laid it gently on the floor. Fishing around in the space, he confirmed that no one had found the hiding spot, and got out his mini-Maglite and the keymaking supplies. It was an old technique, gotten out of a Great Brain book he'd read when he was younger, but it was just the thing for these sort of old locks. All they had were the wards, so it was just a matter of finding the wards and getting something strong enough to move the lock mechanism. Luckily, it seemed well-oiled and maintained. Pulling out a key blank, he rubbed some black crayon on the shiny surface, then got up and stuck it in the lock and turned. Not surprisingly, it hung up. Tucker worked it back and forth, then pulled the key out and checked it with the flashlight. There were a couple of shiny spots where the crayon had rubbed off. Tucker set to work filing the blank down at those points. Twenty minutes later, he rubbed some more crayon on the blank, wand went to try it again. No luck. He checked the key, and found where he would have to file some more. "I hate this," he whispered to himself as he sat back on the floor. At six in the morning, the Vivarin were no longer working, his eyes felt like someone had poured acid in them, his fingers and hands and arms and shoulders and neck all hurt, his head ITCHED under the damned curlers, and he had a working key. He gently turned the doorknob and eased the door open, and listened. Nothing. He closed the door and debated what to do. Finally, he decided that he was too damned tired to do anything else safely that night, and that some sleep would be in order. So he re-locked the door quietly, carefully placed the metal filings into the toilet, then urinated on them, and went back and concealed everything in the chest of drawers again, including the freshly made key, before he returned to the bathroom and flushed the toilet. And the evidence. He was easing under the covers, already half asleep, when he realized that Jane would probably expect to see him in the nightgown that morning. "Damnit," he moaned, as he slid back out of bed and fumbled for the darn thing and slid it over his head. "D'ruther be with Deb and the Pack at a sleepover if I gotta wear this shit," he mumbled as his head hit the pillow. Tucker was having a surreal time of it at the dance, because everyone including him was in formal gowns. Deb looked most spectaular in hers, of course, and Lisa was pretty darned nifty too, but Debbie kept asking him nasty questions about Charlene, and he kept trying to tell her he had no idea who she was, she was just this girl, and all the time Mike and Kim were in matching gowns and frenching each other, which made him wonder why Debbie wouldn't just lay the hell off and get down to something fun, and he also kept trying to dodge Jane, who was going to make him do something nasty he just knew it, and if that wasn't bad enough, some cheerleader he didn't recognize grabbed her stomach and started screaming, and he KNEW what was going to happen, but there was nothing he could do, she was already dead, and Mike pulled a pistol out of the cleavage of his gown and started a slow, steady firing, trying to kill the embryo before it made its way out... No, wait, someone was knocking at a door. Tucker stopped pawing at his own chest, because there probably wasn't a need for a gun at this point, and got up to see what was going on. It took him a couple of tries before he could find the door, but it was apparently too long, because Jane came in anyway. "Din'cha ever hear of knockin'?" Tucker slurred at her. She ignored him. "Do you know what time it is?" Tucker made an effort to find his arm, finally locating it at just past his shoulder, but gave up when he dimly realized there was no watch on it. "No," he finally admitted, staring at her until she remained in focus. "It is TIME for breakfast, my sweet young miss, and I expect you to be there momentarily! Is that understood?" Tucker thought it over, decided that it made sense, and nodded. The head motion threw him off balance, and he stumbled for a bit before regaining his equilibrium. He thought it would be politic to add, "Yes ma'am," which almost came out clearly. Jane sat back down at the table, fuming. *There wasn't anything in the letters about a drug problem,* she thought, *but he is clearly intoxicated.* This annoyed her greatly, because one of her pet peeves was drug abuse. Eugene finally staggered into the dining room, and without pausing staggered into the kitchen, without so much as a "Good morning." Jane got up again, ignoring Charlene's sigh, and followed Eugene into the kitchen, intending to give him a good lecture and a fright at the same time. When she pushed the door open, she was just in time to see Eugene clutch his head and howl, "There's no COKES?! What'm I gonna DOOOOOOO?!" Jane advanced and grabbed the lad by the arm. "What you are going to do is sit down and eat breakfast like a civilized person!" Eugene stared at her a moment with bloodshot eyes. Jane noted that his pupils were neither dilated nor contricted, which seemed to contraindicate drug use, especially of the barbituate variety. They were also severely crusted. Finally, Eugene smiled wanly at her, replied, "Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am," and attempted a curtsy. Charlie had forgotten his breakfast, he was so engrossed in watching Eugene. He would pour half a cup of cream into a coffee cup, drop in about five heaping spoons of sugar, stir it, then pour enough coffee in to fill the cup, then drink it all down at one go. Then he would repeat the process. He'd done it four times already. And Charlie would swear that Eugene's eyes were shut. "Charlene!" Jane snapped, and he looked over guiltily. Tucker was single-mindedly pouring as much caffeine into his system as he could manage, given that he hated coffee. It wasn't too bad like this, though, he thought as he drank his fifth cup. There was food on the table, but he knew if he had anything with protein in it, he'd go into a coma, and it was important to load his stomach with the caffeine first. Of course, the cream had plenty of protein in it... While he was considering this, Jane barked something at him just as he was pouring coffee into dose number six. It startled him, and he jerked up. Unfortunately, he also let go of the coffeepot at the same time. There was a long moment, as the pot fell towards his lap, in which he woke completely up and even tried to make a grab for the pot before it cooked his nuts. But it was no use. The pot bounced off one thigh, burning it, and popped open at the top, leaving a lot of floating coffee in his lap which was almost instantly soaked up by the nylon he was wearing. Extremely hot coffee. Jane watched helplessly in horror as the pot of hot coffee slipped out Eugene's hand and fell out of sight towards his lower body. There was a frozen moment in which nothing happened. Then Eugene ejected himself shrieking from the table, tipping his chair over, and ripped the gown getting it off even as the coffeepot was still clanging to a stop on the wooden floor. There was another frozen moment in which the boy stood there, eyes wide and chest heaving, several feet away from the table, clad in nothing but a bra and panties. Then Charlene began to laugh, and Eugene turned around and ran. Jane could hear his feet pounding on the staircase as she snarled at Charlene and went to go tend to her injured charge. Charlie couldn't help himself. He'd been as frozen as everyone else when Eugene dropped the coffeepot in his lap, and he'd even started to get up to help, though he wasn't sure how, when it had been all over, and Eugene was just STANDING there, looking completely stupid in girl's underwear, like he'd just come downstairs and forgot to wear anything. Jane chased after Eugene, who showed no signs of slowing down until he suddenly darted sideways into his room. By the time Jane had reached the doorway, she could hear the shower running at full blast. Without pausing she went into the bathroom. "Eugene?" she called over the sound of running water. "Are you alright?" "Dunno yet," she heard him gasp. "I, burns, cold water..." "Of course," Jane confirmed. "Just stay in there for ten minutes, alright? And then we'll look at it." "Yeah... yeah," he panted. Having satisfied herself that the little possible was being done for Eugene, she went downstairs to chastise Charlene. Ten minutes later, Tucker was beginning to think that it wasn't so bad. Yes, it hurt, and yes, it was red, but it didn't quite have that searing pain that second-degree burns had. He was extremely glad. He also took the opportunity to scrub the crummy makeup job from last night off his face, and while he was at it, he figured he might as well wash the rest of him. The cold water was COLD, though. Charlie hated crying, but it seemed like it was the only thing he could do. Jane had his life in her hands, and every time he did something right, it seemed as though something came along to screw things up again. He hadn't MEANT to laugh at the geek's pain, but the image was just too funny. He would have apologized, too, all on his own, but he never even got the chance before Jane completely jumped his shit. Life just sucked, he decided as he clutched his stomach and tried once again to quiet his tears. When Jane came back to Eugene's room, he was still in the shower. She sat down on the bed to wait. And worry. Marie smiled at her in a futile attempt to reassure her. "At least he did the right thing," Marie said. "Thank God for that," Jane admitted. But not only was this going to set his training back, it would also probably destroy whatever fragile trust he had in her at this point. Trust was a funny thing that way. There had been nothing she could have done to prevent the accident, and she'd been completely ready to help him as best she could - indeed, they were waiting to see if he would need further medical treatment when he got out - but it was still more than likely that he would blame her in some irrational manner for the accident. Hell, she was blaming HERSELF in the same irrational way. Tucker, meanwhile, was beginning to shiver, and getting extremely pissed. *I knew it,* he thought to himself darkly, *that bitch cozied up to me last night, probably at Jane's orders, but she sure showed her true colors this morning. She'd probably laugh herself to death if I had to go to the hospital for this.* One thing was for certain in Tucker's mind. Charlene was going to pay for this. And payback was always, ALWAYS a bitch. Speaking of pay... He un-taped his ATM card from his body, which felt inordinately good when he scratched the site, and gently taped it in between the curtain and liner. When the water turned off, Marie went in to help Eugene out of the shower. After a few moments, she called out, "Jane, he claims the burn is not too bad, but I would like you to take a look." Jane was already there, and lifting up the towel Marie had wrapped around him. She had to agree with Eugene's assessment. The skin was pink, but no more, and it showed no signs of blistering after fifteen minutes. As she stood up, she realized that Eugene had taken the time to wash his makeup off, and as she looked at him, she also realized he was shivering. "He's gotten chilled," she told Marie, and they hustled him out of the bathroom. Tucker looked around, and decided life wasn't so bad, minus the accidents. He'd been lightly bandaged, wrapped in something silk and then a comforter, and placed out in a chaise lounge by the pool to bask in the sunlight. And Marie had even given him two aspirin and a glass of water. In fact, life was pretty darn good at this particular moment. Naturally, it took about thirty seconds for him to go to sleep once he'd warmed up. Jane was helping Marie with the dishes, for once. They both needed the feeling of companionship after the scare. "At least he's not blaming us for the burn," Marie mentioned. "Yes, true," Jane sighed, "but I'm afraid this is going to set things back quite a bit." Marie shook her head. "I'm not surprised. That one is going to be trouble, this way, I just know it." She sighed, then added, "Nothing is going to go quite right around him." "Oh, pshaw," Jane scoffed. "He's just been one of the more unusual students, and he's had an accident. He'll fall into line once we learn more about him." "I'm not so sure," Marie disputed softly, but then would say no more. The blare of a power tool woke Tucker up with a start, because he thought someone was using a hedge trimmer on his hair for a moment. As he looked around, leaning on his elbows, a head popped over the hedge. "Oh, sorry miss," said the head, which was grey-haired and tanned, and friendly in a sort of earthy way. "Din't know you were there." "Uh, that's alright," Tucker said, femininizing his voice almost by habit. As the last few hours filtered back into his consciousness, he rubbed his eyes. "Are you the new girl here?" the man asked in a friendly fashion. Tucker sighed. In a sense, he was. But he hated to admit it. On the other hand, it wasn't the first time. "Yes, I'm Valerie," he said, smiling. The man came around the hedge, and the rest of him matched his head, weather-beaten and with the signs of heavy work on them. Tucker held out his hand and the man shook it gently. His other hand was indeed holding a hedge trimmer. "'M Tom, the missus' groundskeeper," he replied. "Nice to meet you, miss, an I hate to be disturbing ye, but you might want to go back inside. Yer face is gettin' a little pink already." "What?" Tucker felt his face. Dry, and warm, but not yet tender to the touch. Just what he didn't need was a facial sunburn. "Oh, jeez, thanks," he said, making sure he was wrapped modestly in the coverlet before moving gingerly off the lounge. Tom helped him a little bit, about what you would expect a nice older guy to do for a young girl. It pissed him off, but there was nothing he could do about it except smile. With a last wave from Tom, Tucker re-entered the house. *Maybe some more sleep would go well,* he thought, and with that, his feet turned towards the stairs and the bedroom. When he got there, it was only through sheer force of will that he stayed on his feet long enough to retrieve the ATM card and stick it back to his body under his panties. Then he collapsed on the bed and was almost instantly asleep. Jane pinched the bridge of her nose as she looked out the French doors towards the pool. No Eugene. She went outside to see if she could find some trace of the young idiot, and heard the sounds of yardwork being done. She investigated behind a hedge, and found Tom, working hard as usual. He stood up when he saw her. "Ay, missus," he said, his Maine accent coming out as he tried to be polite. "Good morning, Tom. I was wondering, have you seen..." The eternal dilemna, how to describe one of her charges in the early stages, hit her again. "A young missus sleepin' by the pool?" he grinned. "Yes, ma'am, an' I sent her in when her face was gettin' pink." Tucker rolled over, and hissed as the burn pressed against the matress. Waking up, he looked at the clock. *Almost noon,* he thought muzzily, and then his stomach reminded him that he hadn't eaten in quite a while. He sighed, hating to leave the comfort of the bed, but he was hungry. And he might as well pop some Vivarin before going to forage, too, and that was best done quickly, while he was alone. Jane strode down the hallway, relieved to discover that Eugene hadn't made some kind of foolish run for it, especially while wearing a silk slip and nothing else. On the other hand, he wasn't downstairs, and the thought of him rummaging through her office made her slightly ill. On a whim, she entered his room, and found the quilt they'd wrapped him up in, but no Eugene. She sighed, and was about to leave when his head poked out of the closet. "I'm not dressed yet," he said. "Ma'am. Is lunch almost ready?" he asked hopefully. Marie sighed as she closed the door to the sullen Charlene's room. This was already turning out to be one of THOSE days, and she didn't think it was going to get any better. When she opened the door to Eugene's room, she found him scratching his back with a hairbrush through the dress he was wearing. He'd picked out a plaid jumper, all on his own apparently, and she could see the trace of a bra underneath. When he saw her, he gave her a half smile. "Come to do the makeup thing, huh?" he said in a resigned tone. Tucker had decided to hell with trying to act like he didn't know what he was doing. It was too hard, and he needed his mind for other things. Like figuring Jane out. He'd pegged her for some sort of sick sadist, without Debbie's restraint (*Hah!* said a voice in his head), but the way the both of them had acted when he'd burned himself this morning told him that there was more going on here than just simple cruelty. They'd actually acted concerned for him, and he had to admit he'd overdone the cold water a little bit, but they remedied that too. He'd gone to the bathroom while Marie went down to finish lunch. She'd "suggested" that he add a long-sleeved white blouse and a full slip to the ensemble, which wasn't too bad. He liked the feel of the rayon blouse, and Jane apparently had the cash to afford it, as opposed to polyester. Debbie had been more than clear about the difference between fabrics, and Tucker had come to agree with most of them. *Too bad Deb's not here,* he thought as he finished up his business. *Jane could probably teach HER a few things about fashion, and God knows she'd love most of the stuff here. Although Jane has this preppy fetish that I don't think would sit too well with Deb all the time.* He flushed and got up to check his hair. The curls surprised him again, as they had earlier when Marie had removed the curlers. *I don't think I like them,* he decided, examining them in the mirror. *It's too much. I look better with straight hair anyway.* With a sigh, he exited the bathroom and headed downstairs. The enticing odors made his stomach cramp. Jane waited in her parlor until she heard the stairs creaking as Eugene descended. Charlene was already sullenly waiting in the dining room. Jane got up and glided into the dining room. Eugene looked lovely, she had to admit. *And he picked the jumper out himself. Odd. At the very least, the boy has some taste.* Marie had done her usual superlative job with his makeup, and it was subtle and tasteful. Charlene, on the other hand, was glaring at Eugene, and looked anything but subtle. Jane had directed that Charlene was to be punished by reverting to the childhood fashions she had planned for Eugene to wear today. Charlene, naturally, resented it severely, since she had thought she was beyond such indignities at this point. And it was made all the worse, no doubt, by seeing Eugene in the more mature clothing he was wearing. Tucker stopped when he saw Charlene. She was wearing a pink party dress with capped sleeves and an empress hemline, with matching Mary Janes and a bow around her hair that stood up several inches. It was the sort of thing a four-year old would love to wear. *Jesus,* thought Tucker in amazement as he stared, *she could pick up Radio Moscow with that antenna on her head.* Glancing back at Charlene's face, and the snarl she displayed, he decided that mercy was not required at this time. "Oh, Charlene," he gibbered, imitating Linda Chassell's best friend Babs-the-cheerleader- with-no-brains, "you just look so PRECIOUS in that!" Charlene came around the table at him, calling him a dead geek, and Tucker dropped into a defensive position, glad he hadn't worn shoes, and yelled back, "Eat shit, you stuck-up sadistic Barbie wannabe!" He was suddenly furious with her, and anything she wanted to try was just fine with him. She paused just out of range, teeth bared and fists balled up. "Come on, bitch," he goaded her, and she screamed and lept. Just like a Kzinti, he thought as he went down. Jane ran to pull the two of them apart, but it was just like a pair of dogs; a couple of barks and then they were pounding at each other. Charlene ran over Eugene and tried pounding him in the head, but he tucked his chin down and proceeded to twist enough that he could ram an elbow into her face. She managed to slam a couple of good ones into Eugene's ribs before Jane could manage a wrist lock and pull Charlene off. As she did, Eugene looked up and took a cheap shot, kicking her in the stomach. Charlene howled in rage and yanked loose, and they were at it again. Jane sighed. It was obviously going to be one of those days. Marie listened idly from the kitchen as she made sure the food would stay warm until Jane finished her tirade. She was in fine form today, managing to switch from frostily cold to shrieking at the top of her lungs and covering every range in between while slamming each one's faults in great and embarrassing detail. Jane had finally dismissed Charlene up to her room for an indefinite period, and had brought Eugene into the parlor, where he sat, gently cradling his ribs where he'd taken the blows, and occasionally raising a hand to wipe tears off his face. "Eugene," she sighed finally, "what am I going to do with you? Your mother has been a friend of mine for many years," which was somewhat of a lie, but not one he could detect. "Your behaviour has upset her greatly, and she turned to me as the last resort before institutional correction. I am greatly distressed at the thought of having to give up on you, and so soon, but what else can I do?" She swung the chair to the side, apparently musing on his fate. "What else can I do?" she repeated after a minute had elapsed with no sound from Eugene. "Um," Eugene said, and she glanced at him without moving her head. Sometimes, she'd found, pointing her body sideways gave her pupils more of a chance to think without fear or anger clouding their judgement. "Ma'am," he added quickly when he saw her eyes shift. "I, uh, I'm sorry about that, but I just, I mean..." He sighed deeply, and stared downwards. "I'm sorry, Miz Thompson. I'd like another chance, please?" There was just the hint of desperation in his tone, and she smiled inwardly at it. She turned back to face him, noticing how his body stiffened when she did. "Well, Eugene," she said gently, "I suppose I am willing to give it another another chance. I will allow you to put on a new dress and clean yourself up. I will expect you to behave. Your eyes are a mess. Go take off that gown and clean your face and come back down here. I want to give you some time alone this afternoon to think about all this. Now get out of my sight until you look presentable." "Yes ma'am," he affirmed, and almost tripped himself exiting her room. Charlie sat on the bed limply, not even caring about the pain Marie was causing him as she washed the dried blood from around the cut on his forehead. All he could think about was whether Jane would let him stay and finish the program, or whether she would get rid of him that very day. He knew that his temper was the main problem, but Jane just didn't understand! How could he just sit there and listen to those kinds of nasty comments when his gut was twisting in knots and his whole body was on fire? *Because,* the other voice in his head said, *if you don't, your ass is outta here. You remember what she said,* and he remembered it very well indeed, *and if you don't show her you can control your temper, you're gonna wish you were here when you're getting worked over by pros in that military school.* He shuddered. The military boarding school that was his parents' next, and last, resort for calming his temper, would probably kill him, one way or another. He'd been there; he'd seen it, and what they did to to the younger students, and what sort of punishments his parents would agree to. No, he'd be dead within a couple of months. And the one thing that had kept him here so far was that he really REALLY didn't want to die. Tucker sighed as he washed his face off. He was, he knew, very lucky indeed that Jane hadn't dumped him after he'd shot off his mouth at Charlene. Her temper was unexpected, but not abnormal. He'd taken similar shots at his sister for years, and paid similar prices. The stakes were higher now, though. He'd have to remember that. He'd HAVE to. Marie hauled the damaged clothing back into the "utility" room that held all the odd bits and pieces for the household. These particular items went into the bag that would be delivered to the local seamstress for repair, the next time she went into town on errands. She sighed, and stretched out her back. It was definitely going to be one of those days. She checked her watch, and frowned as she saw exactly how much longer the day was going to last. Jane returned to Eugene's room about the time she expected him to be finished changing. When she opened the door, she found he was indeed finished changing, in a manner of speaking, for he had changed into a short nightgown, from what she could see, before he wrapped himself in the quilt again and collapsed on the bed. "Eugene," she called. He just lay there. "EUGENE!" she called, perhaps a bit more emphatically than was necessary, because he gasped and rolled sideways off the far side of the bed. "Eugene?" She heard the sounds of someone struggling with covers, and a final, gasped, "Bugger!" before his head appeared again over the edge of the mattress. "Uh, yes ma'am?" he rattled off, still appearing dazed. At least he was wearing a nightgown. Jane tried not to sigh. "Eugene, collect yourself, put on a robe, and come downstairs immediately. I have some things I need to tell you about the program here." It was time to get him back on track. Tucker struggled downstairs, wrapped in a robe and the nightgown he'd dug out of the drawers. He'd even made sure the two matched, since he figured Jane would be watching for that sort of thing, among others. When he got to the parlor, the door was closed. He knocked gently on it, but his luck was out because she was in and she told him to come in and shut the door. He sighed as he turned the handle. When he was wrapped up in the chair in front of her desk, she looked up from the ever-present paperwork and removed her glasses. *Oh, boy, here it comes,* he thought, trying not to wince. "Well, Eugene," she started off, "we have already 'discussed' your shameful performance at lunch," which was more like she'd gotten tired of yelling at the both of them, "and so I do not feel it necessary to go over it again," *Amen!* "except-" *I knew it* "-to remind you that I will not tolerate that sort of behaviour from you again. Is that understood?" "But she-" She rode over his protest. "IS that understood?" Tucker sighed. *Hard-ass.* "Yes ma'am." "Good." She stood up and walked around the desk, to perch on the edge of it, facing him. "Now, I know I told you last night to leave your makeup on, but that was a special case. Did you see what you looked like when you woke up?" He shook his head. "That's too bad, because it was truly a mess. From now on, you are to remove all your makeup before you go to bed." Tucker had no problems with that. "On the other hand, I also expect to see all my boys and girls with at least a touch of color in the morning. Therefore, you will add some after your morning ablutions." Tucker was glad he read fantasy novels, or he would never have understood what that last word meant. "Do you understand?" she finally asked him solemnly. "Yes ma'am." *Barely. Have you ever considered speaking normal English?* "You are also to be awake and ready for breakfast, and that means dressed and bathed and so forth, when I tell you. I am not your mother," *No kidding,* "to wake you up in the morning. I expect you to be prompt to breakfast as well as everywhere else I direct you. Is that understood?" "Yes ma'am." Tucker tried not to sigh. She sighed, and got back up to go sit in the chair behind the desk. "Now," she began more emphatically, "we come to this afternoon." Tucker had to agree with her, since that was almost always what happened after lunch. Not that he'd had any. "As you must be aware by now," *Not bloody likely, with four hours of sleep in the last two days.* He was barely moving, much less aware. "This entire process is designed to subject you to alien and unconventional lessons, to inhibit what I have perceived to be a recalcitrant attitude." *A what?* he asked himself. *She means you're being a shit,* he told himself. "It is," she continued, "part of the English method I told you about earlier. But there is more to it than that." *There always is, in English. God I hate English.* "My experience," she continued "and this is the true essence of the 'English method'," she said parenthetically, "is that boys subjected to the regimen of petticoat discipline gain an insight into the feminine side of themselves, and of the world around them. I personally think that this is a valuable insight, for this world is filled with men who are totally insensitive to feminine things and disdainful of the elevated role of woman. So that is another component of your training." Tucker tried not to let his mouth fall open. *That's, that CAN'T be it!* But a wild feeling of glee was building in him anyway. "But enough of that," Jane said dismissively. "Think of it as just another bonus to your education. We shall talk again throughout the coming days about what it takes to be like a young girl of your age." Tucker was of the opinion he had a pretty damn good idea, having been one for a couple of days at a time, and hanging around a whole pack of them the rest of the time. In his opinion, it just didn't get any more authentic than bitching about guys while checking makeup in a girl's bathroom. Jane interrupted his thoughts with, "So we come to this afternoon's program. When girls are young, they spend hours practicing with clothes and with makeup." *Hmm, some of the ones I know must've flunked that part of childhood. Like Jill.* "Now, while I don't expect you to display that same enthusiasm for the activity..." An image of Jill screaming in horror at her birthday present popped up in his mind. *I wonder what planet this woman is from?* he wondered. "It is a skill that I believe to be important to your development. So this afternoon you are going to practice getting yourself dolled up and darling and precious." Jane began speaking faster, and with a bit more emphasis, like teachers et cetera usually did when they were getting ready to get rid of you. "Marie is now laying out your first ensemble. She will attend to your hair, which, I will warn you, is apt to be quite curly this first time." *Oh, you'd noticed? Dork.* "She will also guide you through this first session. She is going to supervise your training this morning and I am going to appraise your progress. I think the first phase will take about an hour. Pay close attention to what Marie shows you, for it will be important to you later. After she has done with you - and you will be doing a good bit of it yourself - you will come back here for my inspection. Looking lovely and proper, I presume." *I guess that lets out the punk look, huh?* "Is that clear?" "Yes ma'am." *Heil, mein Fuhrer!* "Now, by my reckoning, it should take someone about half an hour to get dressed and made-up." *As long as I don't have to shower,* Tucker calculated. "So after I have inspected you, you will return to your room and do it all over again. It may be a whole change of costume, or merely a correction of some shortcoming I discover. But in each case, you will cleanse away all traces of the makeup you have on and redo it from scratch. New colors, new cosmetics... whatever Marie decides. Is that also clear?" "Yes, ma'am." *Does this sound familiar or what? She must've been reading the same books I was before I got here.* His dad had collected a whole bunch of books on military life when he was a teenager, fearing the draft about as much as Tucker himself did. And Tucker had made the obvious connection and read as much of them as he could. This sounded like a standard tactic; running the recruit ragged with inspections, which would (Jane would hope) lower his resistance and make uniform skills almost subconscious. Of course, if you knew what was going on, and furthermore had some practice in those very skills before you went in - the reason Tucker's father had learned to shine his shoes and make his bed, or so he claimed when he was telling stories - then it was that much easier. And, hell, it had to be easier than changing in a car in the dark. Jane glanced at the clock, as did Tucker. One o'clock. She said, "We will be having tea at four. That should give you enough time for at least five practice sessions." *Shit.* "Perhaps you will be developing a little art and proficiency by the evening." *Oooh, yeah, honey, just you wait and see how fast this boy picks this stuff up. Bitch.* "Now, if you are late, or if you are not properly put together each time, you will be punished. I believe this exercise to be a very meaningful part of your education. Unless I see some cooperation and progress by four, you may be repeating the lessons well into the night." That clinched matters as far as Tucker was concerned. He needed sleep, and he knew he was going to start making mistakes - possibly serious ones - the more tired he got. So if he wanted to get some sleep tonight, then he HAD to 'get' good enough to satisfy Jane by four. *No problem,* he lied to himself, surreptitiously wiping his sweaty hands on the robe. Copyright 1997-1999 Ellen Hayes, all rights reserved