20 years professional experience in full life cycle software development as team member and team leader. Project management skills to estimate, monitor and control schedules. Participates actively in quality improvement projects.
Programing Languages: C/C++, Java, FORTRAN, Pascal, Unix shell, HTML, NAWK, SQL, PERL, FORTH, Logo, PL/I, Modula 2, COBOL, Ada, postScript
Hardware: Sun SPARC, IBM PC, Macintosh
Operating Systems: Unix, Solaris, Linux, Microsoft Windows NT, MacOS, GS/OS, MS/DOS, Sun OS
Project management tools: Microsoft Project, MacProject, SuperProject
Design and Modeling Aplications: Rational Rose, Together, Paradigm+
Integrated Development Environments: Sun Visual Workshop, Symantic Visual Cafe, Visual C++
Source control tools: RCS, SCCS, PVCS, ClearCase, CVS
Applications: FrameMaker, UIM/X, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Elm, Microsoft Office, Eudora, AppleWorks, ANTLR, LEX/YACC
Other: UML, X.12 EDI, X.25, HP OpenView DM, GDMO, ASN.1, CMIS, SNMP
Pliant Systems, Inc. RTP, NC
Senior Engineer | 2000-2001 |
OAO Corporation, Greenbelt, Maryland
Business Process Consultant | 1999-2000 |
Software Engineer/Project Manager, Mar 2000-October 2000: Supervisor: James Joyner
Technical lead and project management, Jan 1999-Mar 2000: Supervisor: Lawrence McGovern
Alcatel Data Networks
Software Engineer | 1985-1998 |
Snider Engineering
Software Engineer | 1984-1985 |
Designed, implemented, and debugged COMTEL NCC Network Maintenance and Control menu hierarchy with more than 15 nodes, supporting packages for terminal control, and a small-scale database, all in Pascal.
System Development Corporation
Software Maintenance Engineer | 1983-1984 |
System utilities in Pascal, DCL, Unix shell, and VAX assembler.
BioTechnology, Inc.
Programmer | 1982-1983 |
Authoring system containing more than 5000 lines of Pascal code for computer-aided instruction program. Libraries for device independent terminal control.
Head operator/systems programmer | 1980-1982 |
System utilities, graphics applications in Pascal, and routines to facilitate HP 1000 assembly I/O.
Personal programming projects
Graduate of Herndon High School in Herndon, VA (National Merit Semifinalist).
3 1/2 years at George Mason University in Computer Science.
Data communications and project management courses at Alcatel.